Computer Type: Desktop
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
Motherboard: ASUS x570 TUF GAMING
RAM: Corsair 2 x 16 GB 2400 mhz
PSU: Thermaltake 80+ white 700W
Case: Deepcool matrexx 50
OS: Windows 10 Pro
GPU Drivers: 20.11.2
Games that crashed: Torchlight III, Godfall, COD: Warzone, two point hospital, Path of Exile, etc.
Description of Original Problem: Instant green screen and reboot of the system.
Troubleshooting: oh boy:
Uninstall and re-install of any game that crashed.
Updated Windows and radeon software.
Uninstall and re-install of radeon software. Using amd clean utility or DDU.
Update of chipset for MB.
Set radeon adrenaline "mod" for standart with absolutely everything disable.
Installing only the GPU drivers and not the adrenaline.
Turning off vsync in games.
set PCIE mode for gen 3 in BIOS.
Changing output from DP to HDMI and viceversa.
Installing 20.9 drivers.
Hi, im deseperate to make this work. I'm from Argentina and it is REALLY expensive to have a decent build. I worked my ass off to be able to buy this and I can't believe the ammount of trouble I'm having.
Any kind of help is highly apreciated.
Crashes only occur on games, at first it seems to be when vsync was on but lately it's happening even when it's off. And even if that was the problem its really bad to force the GPU to get unlimited FPS when my monitor can only show 60.
Sounds like the exact same software issues I had running my RX 580 on a Intel board.
In the end is was my 'Power Supply slowly failing.
If you have a pc repair shop close to home you may want to get your (new) PSU tested.
The recommended Power Supply for MSI 5700 XT is 750w... you may not have enough overhead.
If I found the right card 🙂 yours says 600w
Which is why the the smallest PSU I will get is 850w
(bad cables can have the same effect, new cables can fail)
I run AMD 20.9.1 on my RX 5700 XT, I have issues with other drivers.
If you haven't looked..
go to Windows Administrative Tools, System Information, Software Environment, Windows Error Reporting,
Software crash information will show up there.
You didn't mention if you ran SFC from the command prompt.
Scannow auto fixes the errors, if it is unable to fix the problem then your copy of Win 10 is probly toast.
You can also try..
If you have a spare SSD/Hard drive,
unplug your current drive and run a test Win 10 install on the spare drive, you can spend several days on the test install if you like, then you can just swap out drives when you need your current drive. (no extra software just what is needed then just one game). If you end up with the same result it's probably hardware/bad cable.
~ AMD RYZEN 5 3600XT 6-Core 4.5 GHz
~ MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT GAMING-X ~7nm NAVI~
~ HyperX Fury 16GB SDRAM DDR4 3200
~ Windows 10 Pro version 20H2
Thanks for the reply.
I put my whole system in pcpartpicker and it never got to 500w and since the recomended in the GPU box and documents said 600w I expect 700w to be enough... PSU are not easy to get here but I'll test mine and see if that's the issue. The other comment said there's a software to test it. I'm going to try that.
I ran SFC and it said that there's was an issue and it was able to be fixed.
I am not meaning to pick on your power supply but I have personally had 3 thermaltake power supplies now that don't deliver the power they are supposed to and those were 80+ golds. Yours is a white which is the very bottom line power supply and it wouldn't surprise me if that card is requiring peak power draw that the power supply cant supply.
You can run a test on the gpu and psu with the free diagnostic OCCT software from OCBASE dot COM. See if it is dipping low on power when the GPU is under load.
Now all that being said the Navi cards also still have had a lot of growing pains with the drivers as well and with certain features not working right etc. so distinguishing what is end user issue, what is driver and potentially hardware flaws are really hard to distinguish.
Just installed OCCT. Seems pretty usefull.
Couldn't ran the 1 hour test for PSU because I'm working right now but I ran it for 10 min and no error detected.
The GPU was using 250w to 300w with no problem.
I'll try to test it for the whole hour later. Also did a windows MEM test and no problem was found
What you want to look for in that report is if it dips below 12v at any time.
Ok. I'll check if the PSU ¿outage? falls below 12v at any time
After installing the new version of adrenaline: 20.11.2 and crashed on every game again I almost given up and then... I tried to run the game without changing the default fan curve from adrenaline.. and it didn't crash.
Any of the 3 games the instanly crashed.
Now the problem is.. How normal is this. I know this GPU has an internal BIOS, this version even has 2, one for "quiet" mode and the other for performance. I'm scared that the issue may be there.
The default fan curve is awfull and makes the GPU idle at 55-60 °C.
The card is supposed to be in performance mode but it doesn't look so since it let the fan off when under 50°C and only 20% at 60°C.
And I can't set a fan curve in adrenaline because it's the only thing that have prevented crashes.
I can tell you that many navi users have reported that they DDU the driver. Then instead of running the AMD installer they go to windows device manager and update the driver from there. You just point it to the AMD folder it then installs the driver only. At that point you have no radeon settings but they use afterburner or trixx to control the cards and many report that working with much improved stability. I don't have a Navi card and don't have any personal experience. I can tell you though with my Polaris card. This is the only method that works for me with any of the 2020 drivers. I however stick with the 2019 adrenaline drivers and they are fine. Unfortunately back then the Navi drivers were even worse for most.
You might try this. It can't hurt to try.