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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Graphical issue with Adrenalin 19.2.3


i upgraded the driver yesterday to 19.2.3, after the upgrade i recognized some graphical issue. It is reproducable.

I have this issue only in Starpoint gemini 2 maybe somebody has a simmiliar issue in another game? Just for information, i downgrade now to 19.2.1 because this driver works fine for me in all games.


RX580 8 GB

2 Replies

The issue is still present in 19.3-series drivers. It seems the black blotch around the center of the screen disappears if you deactivate post-processing. I also see some... BADLY misplaced shadows, but that should greatly reduced if you deactivate fog, or volumetric shadows. Or something. It seems to have something to do with environment mapping, or at the very least the lighting method the game uses.

Of all the games I've been playing, only Starpoint Gemini 2 has these problems.


Perhaps mark the (subtle) flaws for people not knowing the game hence not seeing the issues