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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Gpd g1 + Huawei Matebook E 2022

Hi all,

I have a nice little windows tablet in Huawei matebook E, 2022

I purchased the heralded gpd g1 2024 which has a 65watt charge which does work with the Huawei matebook E, after some considerable patience in setting up , we are talking months here by this stage.

I managed to get AMD's adrenaline software and the graphics driver working on the Huawei tablet (which has an integrated intelXE) , but only after completely factory resetting the huaweu unit; which I am keen to avoid needing to do again for obvious reasons. But after a week or so the driver seems to be unrecognised and I get a series of errors from AMD such as PA300, OpenGL, you name it, it has come up; and this the egpu is redundant once again.

I have turned off optional driver updates and postponed all updates on windows 11

I have tried swapping out the thunderbolt cable for another

I have installed AMD cleanup utility, following their instructions

I have installed and run DDU following their advised steps

I have tried using old versions / previous drivers of AMD after using both of the above softwares to remove failed installations

I have tried and software compatibility checker which tells me everything should be okay (spoiler alert- it isn't. Still.)

I have tried activating the 'other' and display driver within device manager

I have temporarily disabled all other display drivers and re-enabled them to no effect

I have tried a 'fresh install' of windows, and rolling it back to previous versions.

But all of the above have been unsuccessful. I was really hoping to add a bit of oomph to a lovely (but slightly underpowered) Huawei tablet, but the AMD dream seems to be eluding me.

If anyone has a similar experience or has successfully managed to install and maintain AMD drivers on a Huawei matebook E, I'll buy you a beer for sharing your successes with me.



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