Downloaded the PC version of FFVII Remake and I am continuously getting a "Driver has crashed and reset..." error.
Hardware: 5700XT
Firmware: 21.12.1 (reinstalled)
There are very little settings in-game, but tried almost every combination I could, with same results.
Solved! Go to Solution.
OK, I've been Crash Free for days...
My PC = 3950x, 5700XT, 32GB RAM
Hello! I have the same issue. Upgraded Rx 5700 xt. Last version driver: 21.12.1. Drivers reinstalled, but with the same result.
I'm pretty sad with this. Game price is 80€ and i can't play it. I hope AMD will can solvent this error
Have the same problem mate. After the title screen only a couple of seconds in and the game crashed. It says "video driver was crashed and reset" can't even play the **bleep** thing
Same here, Driver resets with this game. Reinstalled, ddu, currently on 10.2.21 ( tried the newest optional as well )
5700xt here as well, Ryzen 3600
Updates: Yesterday i could play the game for 2 hours with 0 errors.
Today, the game crash after a few minutes. I'm starting Chapter 3, Seventh Heaven.
Please, we are not few users who suffer this problem
Yeah I’m getting the same crash too. On a 5700xt pretty much random too.
I’ve had it crash on the main menu and then about ten minutes into gameplay. I left it on one day and after a bit of playing I left it idle in game for about an hour and no crashes.
Next day, same problem again with crashing
I finally got the game to work! Just download and install any mod paks on your final fantasy 7 directory and it won't crash anymore. Just google any performance mods of ff7 intergrade and install atleast 1 mod pak and that's it! Mine's working now hopefully to you guys as well. Sorry for my english I'm asian
Nope didn't work ( Installed the Tifa Dress mod ) Still crashes after a few moments.
Also chapter 3 if that helps in any way.
@NabelFTW I'm very happy to hear it!
I've been playing for 2 days and I've only had 2 crashes. I'm changing the graphics settings and since I switched from 2k to Full HD (1920x1080), I lowered the fps from 120 to 60, and the graphics from High to Low, the game doesn't crash every 5 minutes. Could you send us a link from the web where you downloaded the mod? It would be a great help!
Curiosity, how many hours in a row without crash? I almost 3 hours
Don't worry about your English, and greetings from Spain!
Here's the link:
I used the "Potatos" mod and after that my game never crashed although the graphical fidelity is a bit low but as long as the game is running why not right?
I believe it will remove a couple of graphical settings such as bloom, DoF, Fog, etc. but if you want to enable those, I'm afraid you need to tweak a couple more settings. You can download another mod here:
be sure to follow the instructions and read the "Posts" tab for more help.
Interesting will give those a go tomorrow, i did find something else that works ( or seemed to ) and it's dxvk found here
Using the dxgi.dll and the d3d11.dll ( and setting the launch paramater -dx11 ) It also has stopped the crashing at least for the little bit of time i tried it. The only down side is some of the shaders have an error so it looks like a bunch of photographers are taking pictures using green bulbs.
Thinking this might be a driver issue due to these findings.
Going to give those other mods a try though, thanks for sharing!
I also tried the Dx11 mod but I am missing a file called epic_emu.ini. It also happened to me about the green lights and the game is unplayable like that. I had to uninstall it
I am beginning to believe that the problem is the selected FPS that we have in the game. Because with 60 fps it has not crashed in 5 hours, but if I put it at 120 fps it crashes in less than 30 minutes. With 90 fps I have also noticed that it crashes less but it does...
From what I've been reading, the problem is running the game with DX12. Supposedly, forcing in DX11 fixes the crashes. Problem is, you are supposed to edit the epic_emu.ini from Final Fantasy VII Remake -> Engines -> Binaries -> ThirdParty -> EOS. But I don't have an epic_emu.ini anywhere....
UPDATE: Added -dx11 to the settings menu for the game. No longer getting a driver crash error, but now a "low level driver fatal error..." Was able to play a little bit further though.
Interesting findings!
However , I still get crashing no matter the fps setting as I've been using a 60fps limit the whole time, and -dx11 will still crash after an undetermined amount of time ( could be 2 minutes or upto 10-15 ) The only thing that's worked so far is the dxvk mod essentially running the game in vulkan.
The main issue that I keep having when it crashes is a driver timeout. No other game on my system does this so I'm thinking it still might be driver related. Hopefully AMD will see this and try and sort it out.
Going to try those other mods mentioned earlier ( the console commands ) here in a while .
Good afternoon!
Updates: Game in 2k, full screen, High quality graphics and shadows, 60 fps and does not crash for more than 8 hours in a row. If I get the fps up to 90 or 120, it crashes in less than 30 minutes or an hour. In my case, that happens to me.
I wish I could play at 120fps, but if I can't ... At least I can enjoy the game at 60fps.
Installed Mods: Vibrance and Clarity ReShade
One thing I noticed whenever I turn on VolumetricFog the game always crashes. If your game crashes try turning this off on the console comman "r.VolumetricFog 0" without the quotes
Here's my Engine.ini settings:
0 stutters and 0 crashes so far while I'm using these settings.
Hi. Thanks for share your settings...
My FF7R only crash in battle and always when I try to use some abilities. I think that the fog can be the problem (load a lot when enter in the select menu).
Here, using dxvk mod, stop crash, but sometimes there is issue with green lights... So I will try your config...
Do you use DX11 or DX12?
Thanks again and sorry about my english.
I use DX12. Try to turn off Volumetric Fog which is r.VolumetricFog=0
I'm not using the DXVK mod just the FFXIIHook - INI and dev console unlocker
just follow the mod's instructions it's quite easy.
try using my cvacs and hopefully you will have 0 crashes and absolutely 0 stutters just like mine. Happy gaming and Happy holidays!
I'm quite impressed how this game run well unlike FFXV, as you can see i'm using "r.ScreenPercentage=200" which is like 4k internal resolution and I'm only using 1080p screen yet the game runs very well way above 60fps.
I had noticed the "r.ScreenPercentage=200"... in fact, I changed this option for a low value =).
My game crash with DX12, so, I changed to DX11 and, for while everything is okay.
I set the FPS to 60 by RTSS.
Thanks, again, to share your Engine file. Help me a lot...
Happy christmas!! 😃
OK, I've been Crash Free for days...
My PC = 3950x, 5700XT, 32GB RAM
None of these solutions work for me, Tried again last night with most of the console edits / things mentioned here.
Was good for about 20 minutes until it tried to go into an FMV then it crashed with the same error. So as there may be an "accepted" solution, it still doesn't work.
Edit: I have also been using the -dx11 flag since the very beginning when I discovered it elsewhere. Doesn't matter if I use dx11 or dx12 it still crashes at some point and usually the most inopportune time as I usually haven't saved recently.
Try using dx12 set max fps to 120 and use only this mod FFVIIHook - INI and dev console unlocker (remove any other mods and make sure you're running DX12)
try using my Engine.ini cvacs which I posted here and make to sure add "r.VolumetricFog=0" (w/o quotes) because apparently Volumetric fog crashes my game whenever it's enabled and decrease "r.ScreenPercentage=200" to 150
Strangely enough, I think you fixed it 😄
After countless hours of trying various things I tried your settings and it seemed to have stopped the crashing!
I can even play in dx12 too , Perhaps you're correct that volumetric fog is bugged in a severe way!
Was able to tweak your engine.ini for my needs but never touched that setting and haven't crashed in almost an hour of playing off and on 🙂
Thank you!
Finally you're able to enjoy this wonderful game. Happy holidays!
Thank you again ! Happy Holidays to you as well!
This is the actual solution!
Played for well over 2 hours last night ^_^
i installed mod FFVIIHOOK but still not working, it still crash, i go inside the vent but my character, he under vent, continues moving it'll crash
I don't know how to fix it
sorry my english not good
Do you know commend to change character direction adjustment, I want to change it
he can only move forward or backward with no horizontal rotation
it'll be crash if I move straight
Have you tried using my cvacs? if not, press the tilde button and type "r.VolumetricFog 0" without the quotes inside the game. Because I found out that Volumetric fog crashes the game. Cheers!