If i use Manual mode for Tuning Control, i have an option for Zero RPM mode, which turns off the fan when the GPU's temp. <= 50°C. But if i activate 'Advanced Control', there is no way to set the fan's RPM to 0 <= 50°C. The minimum fan speed is hardcoded to 18% REGARDLESS of the paired temperature value. Why can't i set the fan speed to 0% at <= 50°C which basically the same feature as Zero RPM. Can we have an extra IF statement to allow this (allow 0% fan speed if the temperature value is <= 50)?
I have to use Advanced Control, because on auto my RX480 ramps up the fan to 2400RPM turning the card into a turbine (at 100% GPU usage), but in reality beyond 1800RPM the cooling is unable to lower the GPU temp below 64 °C, so that extra 600RPM makes no difference in cooling performance, but the noise is really annoying.
If i use Advanced Control (which i have to), i lose the ability to turn off the fans when the card is idle.