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PC Drivers & Software

False Bans in Counter Strike 2 and Apex Legends. Anti-Lag+

Hello everyone, I've become a victim of the now increasingly wide spread userbase of players falsely banned by using newer AMD drivers that contain the Anti-Lag+ feature.

I was banned on Apex Legends on October 10th, not knowing why or how. I followed through with the steps needed to get answers on why it happened in the first place. EA Support was not helpful due to it being an automated system and not a human support agent. However, the users and community mods there gave me links to dispute my ban. It turns out that there's at least 20 people there that also are using RX 7000 series GPUs with Anti-Lag+ enabled and have gotten banned by Easy Anti-Cheat, the software used by EA/Respawn to protect their online server experience. 

Fast forward to October 13th, 2023 and now Valve releases a statement that Anti-Lag+ as used by AMD latest drivers are causing their VAC/in-house anti-cheat to automatically ban users in CounterStrike 2 - forever giving them a VAC strike on their account. I don't need to explain why that is horrible for a normal user as a VAC ban takes away a lot of your online rights and server access in a lot of games. 

My case is of course different from the many users that are also getting falsely banned on Counter Strike 2, but instead I was hit on Apex Legends by Easy Anti-Cheat. You can find increasingly many other users on the EA forums and now AMD/Apex Legends/CS2 subreddits that are getting falsely banned in either game.

I am still perma-banned on Apex Legends as of today as well, all 3 disputes used up and no longer able to make new claims. It's a horrible experience for a normal gamer of 20 years - who has never been banned or cheated in any online game, to lose access to a game they wanted to have fun playing. Apex Legends... 

I want to make this discussion thread to try to get an official response from AMD's team about this issue involving CS2 AND Apex Legends as EA is notoriously hard to get official information from.  I want to be assured that I will be able to not worry about similar issues such as this happening again, to not worry about my Steam account getting VAC banned or another online game's anti-cheat perma banning me and other users due to using an AMD feature. 


51 Replies

Heheh 😜 I am not a book reader... most probably an e-book reader or video tutorial watcher. Visual guy here  😉
To be honest, I work a lot and learn a lot in my free time... I love learning...
Gaming was my 1-2 hour relaxing 😉 .... and lately I have been passionate about CS2 with some friends...I am new to CS2...old Call of Duty fan...First time banned anywhere in my life... It's not that I am gonna suicide if I don't play hehe 😜
Non of my friends are banned and they are waiting for me ...
It`s just very unfair and disappointing because my customers giving much less money and they have much better and faster support than we have from AMD or Steam or Valve which we gave them a lot of money  😜
That's why I get angry.... lack of support and professionalism...


Heheh 😜 I am not a book reader... most probably an e-book reader or video tutorial watcher. A visual guy here  😉
To be honest, I work a lot and learn a lot in my free time... I love learning...
Gaming was my 1-2 hour relaxing 😉 .... and lately I have been passionate about CS2 with some friends...I am new to CS2...old Call of Duty fan...First time banned anywhere in my life... It's not that I am gonna suicide if I don't play hehe 😜
None of my friends are banned and they are waiting for me ...
It`s just very unfair and disappointing because my customers giving much less money and they have much better and faster support than we have from AMD or Steam or Valve which we gave them a lot of money  😜
That's why I get angry.... lack of support and professionalism...


I didnt mean you : D

Journeyman III

I've been playing since 1999, 24 years! and i got banned because of drivers? **bleep** is this.... btw they made this move like 1 day before bans Counter-Strike 2: The AMD Radeon™ Experience - YouTube. :))))

Yeah it was 100% CS2 focused update with marketing and video telling you to use AntiLag+

Now deleted tweet

(bans happening also in other games)

Adept II

Here it comes : )




Told ya so, patience is key.

Adept II

I am VAC unbanned : )

Me too finally 😄

Journeyman III

I got banned cause ... I was banned after 5 years of Apex. But EA won't unban me. I was so surprised because I've been playing Apex for 5 years and have never had even a momentary sanction. Suddenly the hammer: Banned for cheating. I've challenged the ban too many times so it's no longer being investigated. I hope you sort this out... It's really a disgrace. Just because I put in the HYPR RX mode I was banned and that's cheeky!


DID EA finally reverse ban for you?

Journeyman III

So who do we get in contact to help fix the ban? im still banned and ea wont let me dispute the ban and this is my first time offense from ea