It is difficult to answer since your post is so vague.
1- Are you saying you want a copy of the original vBIOS for your Gigabyte RX 570 and couldn't find it in the internet?
2- Or that you can't find out the version of vBIOS you GPU card has to download?
If it is the first one have you tried opening a Gigabyte Support ticket to see if they will send you a link to download the original vBIOS for your GPU card?
You can also check TechPowerUp vBIOS Database to see if you can download from there:
There is only one vBIOS at the link above for a RX570 8GB Gigabyte GPU Card at TechPowerUp:

NOTE: at Gigabyte Support for your GPU card it has a download for the app to install the vBIOS on your GPU card:

EDIT: You can use GPU-Z to find out the vBIOS version you have installed on your RX 570 GPU Card plus other pertinent data.
Click on GPU-Z upper right corner "LOOKUP" to show you the exact GPU card Make & Model you have and possibly the vBIOS to download.