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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Drivers not downloading for R 5 5600G

I tried to play Battlefield last week however I was told i needed the latest drivers so here I go, used AMD cleanup utility and deleted all drivers, then when I tried to download them again the download is stuck at 89%, i've already tried 4 times and it's the same over and over, again, my windows 10 is all updated and the files are good so idk what is happening, I fear this too will happen when I get my RX 6650 XT 😞

1 Reply

Hmm. I just downloaded them fine from this URL

AMD Ryzen™ 5 5600G Drivers & Support | AMD

File was 624MB in size. Perhaps the issue is with your AV s/w if you are using one. 

You could also try the Win11 download, the drivers are the same, but it may be worth a try. At worst the d/l; will fail, at best it will work.

With regard to the 6650 XT, it uses a different driver branch because it's an RDNA series card. Hopefully they will download ok for you.
