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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Driver RX6600M Issues Legion 5

Hello, i want to ask. My laptop (Legion 5 15ACH6A) has some issues with installing graphic card driver.

I had reset my laptop to know what's wrong with random stuttering/buzzing sound (it's like when you input jack audio when sounds are live)

At default, i download driver from: (download option is "auto detect", "AMD adrenaline", and "AMD pro edition" Windows 11 64 bit

First method, I am trying to install menu AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition (Adrenalin 23.10.2) and it looks normal, no buzzing sound (i try to play music and leave the display off on 1 minute, no buzzing sound). But AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition does not have fps counter, AMD free sync, and dpi optimize (no "display" menu option). Also, I tried to play Forza Horizon 5 and i got error code FH302. This message gives me information about not detected driver software for graphic card.

Next method, i used Auto-Detect and Install download, and full content download driver. My Forza Horizon 5 runs normally, my fps is increased, all features like fps counter, AMD free sync, and dpi optimize are active. But i have another issue, sometimes i get random buzzing sound "lagging cursor and buzzing sound", also i try to play music again and leave the display off on 1 minute and its buzzing sound on every try.


So, what is the real problem? is it bug on driver software or my graphic card is defect.

Thank you berfore for your help. Sorry for bad english 🙂

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