Hello, I am filling out a support request for a friend. Helped him update his driver to the latest in order to play Forza Horizon 4, but have run into a issue with the fact that the latest driver seems to cause Horizon 3 to crash during loading every time it is tried. I uninstalled the driver and reinstalled the latest recommended driver, and Horizon 3 works again, but Horizon 4 will not run without the latest driver. If I update to the latest, 4 will work but 3 will start crashing during load. 3 will also throw up a low video memory warning when running the latest driver, when it did not do so with the older driver. Any assistance would be welcome!
Sorry, was on the way out the door and forgot to add info
GPU : Fury X
Windows 10 x64 1809
Radeon Software Version 18.9.3
i5 6600k
Issue happens in all circumstances
7 Loads up to at least the menu to select race and car, didnt have time to test farther right now
Sorry, was on the way out the door and forgot to add info
GPU : Fury X
Windows 10 x64 1809
Radeon Software Version 18.9.3
i5 6600k
Issue happens in all circumstances
I have same problem with you in Forza Horizon 3
I can't open Forza motorsprot 7 too because it will clash and auto close window.
Please fix this problem AMD
I'm use RX Vega 64
These kind of issues should be reported to AMD
I already report to them. Thank you sir
Just sent a report to them
Please can you provide a DXDIAG report from the system that crashes? Furthermore, is there any error message that appears when the crash occurs?
If you could provide reproduction steps, and a summary of the resolution/image quality settings you are using, we will investigate further.
It no DXDIAG popup at all after clash.
For Forza motorsport 7, I can go in Microsoft Studio logo with sound of car and then logo and sound are freeze and suddenly close window of game.
For Forza Horizon 3, i can see only Forza horizon 3 logo and move to black screen window of game and then suddenly auto close window of game.
Forza horizon 4 is fine to run with my RX Vega64
My old GTX 1080 is fine to run Forza motorsport 7, Forza Horizon 3 and Forza horizon 4 with no any problem.
DxDiag = DxDiag · GitHub
No error messages other than the Low VRAM Warning that I talked about earlier. 7 Works fine as far as I can tell, 3 gets past the title and starts to load the world, then crashes about halfway through. 4 runs fine other than the normal issues that occur with a brand new game
I have the exact same problem as an author..
18.9.3 make forza horizon 3 crash on initial setup...it can go to the menu but if you install the new driver, when you choose to continue the game it will begin the initial setup again & on this step the game crash.
So I had to clean install the driver using DDU & reinstall 18.9.2 again...
Today 18.10.1 has available, unfortunately this new driver still has the same problem...
No error message or anything...just back to the windows like it never launched before.
And just FYI some people also have this problem on FH3 on 18.9.3...
Ok guys, I think I've found a solution in FH3 on amd driver 18.9.3 (i use them on my hd7790)
Dowload and unzip amd drivers 17.2.1 (don't install)
Go to: "Packages\Drivers\Display\WT6A_INF\B311170" and find and copy
Now go to:
and overwrite these files.
Now start the game.
Works on my wood c2q q9400/hd7790
Is this the only solution? I hesitate to even call it one considering it involves replacing random older versions of files
I haven't tried @volan85 solution yet but I think we need to make this thread bigger...
Even on 18.10.1 AMD doesn't consider FH3 crash issue as a known issue on 18.10.1 release notes...
It is either they still don't know that there is a problem on a new driver when we play FH3 or they know but they just don't care...
They will try to fix this If only more people know there are an issue on the latest driver when we play FH3
Actually reinstalled Horizon 3 yesterday and either the bug was patched or the game was updated to fix it because at least for me the game is working fine now. The only problem I ran into was one instance where the driver crashed and dropped me into a BSOD
Please could you try the new 18.12.2 Adrenalin driver and let me know if you still experience this issue?
I have the same issue, on 18.12.2 even though the release notes say it fixes the crash, but I am still getting the crash after the splash screen. I reinstalled the game but to no avail. however the game works fine on 17.10.1, but i kinda like the new driver and don't want to revert to the older one. Any help appreciated.
My Specs:
Intel Pentium G4560
Gigabyte RX560 4GB OC
Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR4 Ram
1TB toshiba HDD
Antec 500W PSU
Regarding the issue of Forza Horizon 3, The latest driver, 19.1.1 has passed optimization and the loading screen, however, the game stutters seriously while playing it. I really don't want to revert to the 17.10.1 driver(which works flawless for this game) , could you please look into the matter? I would be really grateful. Thank you.
My Specs:
Intel G4560 @3.5 GHz intel stock cooler
RX560 4GB DDR5 Gigabyte OC edition
8GB Corsair Vengeance
1TB HDD Toshiba
500W Antec PSU
Thanks for letting me know.
Can you try lowering the image quality settings? It might be possible that you are using more than 4GB of video memory?
Sorry for being late, but i just tried playing again, but this time I disabled superfetch,turned off windows defender and my internet connection. Game works smooth like before but suddenly crashed into a black screen after 10 minutes. So I turned off microphone access to the game (which was a possible cause of crash) and played for one hour till the game gray screened and crashed again. I do not think its a video issue, but I will try to disable the dynamic optimization in the game settings and give it a go. Will let you know later what happens. But just to let you know, with the older driver, I played with dynamic optimizations turned on and same settings(Which is 'HIGH') for 3 hours without a crash. In my opinion its MOST probably a driver issue. Thanks a lot for giving your time to help me.
So far we have not been able to reproduce the issue using a similar system configuration.
Okay, thanks for the reply, I am planning on reinstalling the game and giving it a try. Really appreciate all the help.
Okay, so after testing some days here is what i have:
I disabled the dynamic optimizations and the crashes are gone, though loading times are pretty long, but that doesnt really bother me.
Since Forza horizon 3 started working so well I planned to cap it at 60 fps instead of 30 fps (which I normally use). I was playing well yesterday for 30 minutes until a BSOD occured saying it was related to the video adapter or something and the error was a atikmpag.sys
The game runs at a 50-60 fps, jumping a lot until suddenly the game froze and caused the BSOD. I am just confused whether its due to unlocking the fps or did my graphics card get damaged?? Its scaring me and I'd really appreciate your assistance in this matter. Thank you very much
I would test some other games for extended periods of time to see if it is a hardware issue.
Game didn't start with 18.12.3 (freeze in grey screen after splash art)
I tried the express way:
Download "18.12.3" and open driver with 7zip and copy and paste:
My current driver is 18.11.2.
sad ;/
I just got so angry, i simply reinstalled the 1607 version of windows 10.
And now playing with 17.10.1 which is the only best driver for this game. today played 2 hours before the game started stuttering, though i am suspecting it might be the rivatuner that caused the stutter. Anyways, imo there is no better driver than 17.10.1 for this game
you are play on codex version in 17.10.1??
I play codex with wndows 1803 and now mixed
from 18.9.1
My current driver is 18.11.2.
Game crash when save (buy parts/cars/change color/rims)
Bro, I had the same issues when i used 1803 and yeah, i also use the codex version as i hear the microsoft one is really messed up. tbh, 1803 is really the worst for gaming, and believe me, i went as far as formatting my whole hard drive(because i did not understand gpt and mbr and the crazy bios/UEFI stuff) just to install the 1607 version of windows, and its feels so good now. even just cause 4 is running way better. the 1803 update had too many features maybe, that i guess hogged the memory which is bad for fh3 since fh3 is highly ram demanding. So trust me, and go with the 1607 version of windows+ 17.10.1 amd if u really want to have stutter free and crash free gaming. Oh, and before all this you might wanna see if your microphone settings are disabled for fh3 since that was causing a grey screen crash for me.
You're right! but I do not know how work forza horizon 4(legit).I have also forzah4. Last time i had windows 1703. I had it for over a year and work very good.unfortunately my computer caught hard virus(ransmoware) and I had to format it. I have now since November 1803 and I have already reinstalled it three times 😕
if I still have problems with the win 1803 ill go back 1703.
Sry for my english
Good luck buddy. Hope you find a solution soon. Out of curiousity I installed 18.12.2 and omg.... Fh3 works but the stutter is serious and trees are turning blue XD
Even though amd brought support they really messed up bad for fh3. If you want to play fh3, install 17.10.1. If its fh4 use driver 18.9.3 (I think that was the driver that brought support for fh4). AMD life is a bit hard for me. If only i used a vega instead of the rx560, things might be different.
ps. No problem with ur english as long as u can explain properly