This is all I see when I open Display in radeon software settings. From the support articles I've seen, I should find Freesync enable/disable here along with a few other options... but it's not here. So, why is it not showing up for me?
I have up-to-date drivers. Freesync compatible monitor. RX 6700 XT. Ryzen 7 3700X.
What is the make and model of the display and how is it connected to the graphics card?
Are you using any display adapters or dongles when connecting the Display to the graphics card?
LG 27GL83A-B
Connected by HDMI.
There are no adapters or dongles that I am aware of. Connected directly to the Graphics card.
Try using DDU to remove drivers, then try a clean install.
Speaking of Windows, is your OS clean and what build are you using?
Ok, getting somewhere. Just did DDU and clean installed. Have more options, but still not the enable/disable Freesync option.
Windows is clean, recently installed. Build 20H2.
A variable refresh rate (VRR) is the general term for a dynamic display refresh rate that can continuously and seamlessly vary on the fly, on displays that support variable refresh rate technologies such as FreeSync.
I think you can stop worrying and just enjoy your system and monitor now. 🙂