i installed the latest driver a few hours ago and have had nothin but display driver crashes since can someone please give suggestions on how i can fix this?
Revert to Crimson drivers.. Thay are more stable.
Adrenaline drivers cause BSOD in many PCs, and AMD seems to do nothing to solve it..
where would i get these drivers from because amd website keeps sending me to the adrenaline drivers 😕
best way to solve it revert back to an older working driver. Its not tru all Adrenaline drivers causing issues. I found the 17.12.1 driver stable for 11 days .Any 18. drivers or above bricks my displayports on my monitor with 10 Pro creators update. Stick with these drivers as most stable & got away with a test run of Hunt Showdown Alpha on these drivers pulling 40+ fps with relive running on a rx560OC 4G. New to AMD but worked with 10 before it was released & 8.1 & previous OS & found been a massive bug from between 10 & AMD side somewhere as some builds are effected some arnt. If your on a laptop a bit of advise may be better off to do a fresh OS reinstall & start from scratch its what I do with laptops.
do a web searh for older drivers that's all I do theres a library of driver dates & card released to suit drivers off hand should be able to search back in the AMD support archieves no issues where I found the older drivers.