now for the longest time, i only looked at Speccy for all my pc info, im not that into over clocking or anything like that, but after getting into a deep spiral of watching PC related vids on YouTube, and finaly deciding to find out why my CPU was running at 95 at idle, Speccy has told me 95-96c from the moment i turned it on.
I honestly kinda just over looked it seeing as i know i have good air-flow my room never being to hot and me never pushing my cpu, i always kinda figured it was just miss reading it but having it say 95c was always in the back of my head, now i found out that AMD themself said not to use third party programs to read the softwear.
SO i got AMD Ryzen Master and well :
now is it just Speccy thats being stupid here is my CPU running fine ?, im not a pc genius even tho i wanna be lol, but im just confused at this point