We are using 3 PC for OpenCL. All are CentOS 8.3.
One of them has NVIDIA cards , others have RX 5800.
Everthing was good until two days ago.
We did not change anything. No update , no new package installation.
Just made some changes to the program we are running on GPUs.
Yesterday on PCs with RX 5800 clLinkProgram (also clBuildProgram) started to freeze.
clinfo output : https://www.tulpardergi.com/OpenCL/clinfo.txt
Terminal : https://www.tulpardergi.com/OpenCL/clLinkProgram.txt
Program : https://www.tulpardergi.com/OpenCL/kernel_tahmin_et.cl
The PC with NVIDIA cards still works without any problem.
Any idea ?