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PC Drivers & Software


Change pixel format without Radeon Settings

Is it possible to change the default YBCr pixel format to full RGB for an HD monitor connected over HDMI when Radeon settings is not installed? Or alternatively is it possible to retain the full RGB setting after uninstalling Radeon Settings only via a custom uninstall.

For troubleshooting purposes I want to use the drivers without Radeon Settings but would like to use full RGB.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

3 Replies

I imagine it would be possible. It would take some detective work by you though via google or most likely, by personally looking through the registry. Assuming you find nothing via google. Assuming that radeon settings uses the registry, which might be wrong,

1. Find all the registry settings for AMD that you can

2. Change the value in radeon settings, and look at what changed in the registry.

For registry locations, you can use DDU source as a helper. DDU source is on github. The file "CleanupEngine.vb" appears to contain the registry clean up stuff. In a subdirectory for DDU install, there is a AMD/classroot.cfg file which contains root registry entries for AMD. Utilizing the source in the vb, and the classroot.cfg file, it should enable you to find the amd registry entry areas.

Here are the entries in the classroot.cfg file:


good luck!

Found this website that mentions if you use a DVI-HDMI the signal would be Full RGB. Otherwise it mentions to use Radeon Settings: Correcting HDMI Colour on Nvidia and AMD GPUs | PC Monitors  (This solution is for AMD GPUs)

This website mentions the same thing about using DVI-HDMI cable to get Full RGB: 

Don't know if this is true or if it will work. But if you have a DVI output you can try and use a DVI-HDMI Cable or adapter and see if the signal is Full RGB.

NOTE: Does your AMD GPU Card come with it own 3rd party software from the manufacturer that might do the same thing as Radeon setting as far as changing to Full RGB?


Many thanks for the advice, it looks like the settings or at least the pixel format is retained after an uninstall of Radeon Settings and it does survive a reboot, so I would guess the control is via the registry. I found nothing more than elstaci‌ in google etc. but having no dvi cable could not confirm if that works or not. For the troubleshooting I want to do the uninstall will suffice.

Thanks again for the responses.