Hi, after updating Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III
when I start it, it shows an error:
[GPU driver version]
Your GPU driver version (24.7.1) does not meet the recommended (24.8.1) for running Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III.
To ensure the best performance and functionality, go to the manufacturer's website to download and install the latest drivers.
- I checked on the AMD Drivers release and didn't see the 24.8.1 release notes.
- I checked my driver updates, and the latest update is 24.7.1 not 24.8.1, note that I enabled the optional updates too
My GPU: RX580
what should we do?
Anyone updated everything and still not have COD load just freeze on black screen?
Yes, and no.
Was on a driver 4 versions back from the newest one yesterday. Just dloaded the new new today, installed, and its running great also. Again, on both pc systems, and the ps5 is fine also. Something is up, with everyone here having a issue. What a drag. Stoked for the beta though......
Have you tried this?
1- open file manager > go to folder Documents>Call of Duty>players
2- open file "options.4.cod23.cst" with notepad
3- scroll down to:
// Recommended display driver version seen during last game startup
DisplayDriverVersionRecommended:0.0 = "24.8.1"
4- change "24.8.1" to "24.7.1"
5- save and close notepad
hope this helps.
Some have reported success using older drivers. Please see thread:
We just need this adrenalin version 24.8.1 that's all
Its been out for 4 days dude.
What about the RX 580 GPU issue with Cod Warzone, will they bring any fixes or is it done?
FunKz down below, listed the min. Seems your gpu is in there. You should be fine. Nothing is "broke" mate. Its on your end some how. Sorry mate.
Guys, it fixed the problem for me!
For those who are having slow map and weapon loading and have bad drop frames, try this:
Move the game from HDD to SSD and it will be fixed without any drop frames :white_heavy_check_mark:️
Tell me if it worked ❤️
Well if simply installing the game to a SSD rather than HDD is the fix, then that is called out in the Minimum System Requirements.
I can see game loading speed a thing, but frames? Frames, frame drops, performance, in game, does not even come from where you have the game located. But hey, if you are happy, enjoy.
Game still doesn't work for me but I gave up on it anyways. Tried loading the campaign after the latest patch it got and it still stops preloading shaders at 7% and won't load a level.