I was playing hundreds of games with my AMD R7 card, but since last driver, some of my games crash. I was able to play those game perfectly fine with older drivers.
For example I played Aggressors Ancient Rome and Imperiums Greek Wars without issues with all drivers released for my AMD R7 card so far. But since 21.5.2 driver the game crash on start. The developer told us it's a bug in AMD's driver.
The bug is solved in the new released 21.6.1 driver, but for some reason I can't install it for my R7 card.
So I'm stuck with a unsupported card, the last released driver contains a bug and I can't expect a new driver anymore?
I think this is a good moment to say goodbye to gaming at all.
So first AMD decide to not support my product anymore, release a last buggy driver and can't give any support anymore since the product is legacy?
While all newer video cards already received an update without the buggy driver release.
I know, my hardware gets old and support can't be endless, but I know what I will buy in the future and what not.