I'm a longtime ATI/AMD product user across multiple computers.
On one of my computers, a Ryzen 3 2200g, using the integrated graphics, I ran into a small problem trying to update to the latest driver version.
As the title says, my entire screen blinks the moment I install this driver. It was working fine on 18.5.1 (attempting reinstall of this version now), it works fine with default Windows 10 drivers, but I just can't install x.7.1. The problem starts as soon as I reboot the computer, into the login screen, or sometimes just as soon as the driver is installed. Likely, it stops when the driver finishes uninstalling.
I tried all of this: Troubleshooting Common AMD Graphics Driver Installation Problems
but nothing works.
I went to the bios, tried to change the settings for the APU, increasing the dedicated memory, but I always have the same problem.
My system:
Gygabyte GA-AB350n-Gaming
Bios revision F23d (latest available so far)
Ryzen 3 2200g (either "auto" or 2gb or 4gb dedicated memory in the bios)
Windows 10 64bit build 1803 (all updates so far)
Driver (problematic) 18.7.1
G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 (running at 2133mhz)
Silverstone - Strider Gold 450W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular SFX Power Supply
Samsung - 960 EVO 250GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
Same issue here, when I install 18.7.1 the screen flickers to black every few seconds. As soon as I install 18.5.1 the screen flicker stops.
My system:
Motherboard: Asrock Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac
BIOS version 4.50 (not latest, just upgraded to latest and will test 18.7.1 again)
CPU: Ryzen 5 2400G (everything to default)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK8GX4M2B3200C16 (set to 3200MHz)
Settings Ryzen Master: default
Monitor: Older Harman Kardon receiver connected to monitor, no HDCP support
use to latest bios
what is your ram voltage?
F23d is the latest bios for my board.
RAM Voltage isd 1.2v.
to low voltage for your ram
try atleast 1.35V to be rock stable // 1.4V is also ok
what is your VDDRC SoC Voltage? i prefer 0.7V
also 1.1V VSoC is needed
increases ram voltage to 1.35v, MEM VTT to 0.675, Vddcr soc is set to 1.1v currently. Ryzen Master doesn't show anything else.
the BIOS won't let me change any voltage of speed for cpu/GPU/ram.
the system does seem a lot more stable now. Never thought of increasing the voltage beyond default since it wasn't a computer designed for gaming
Thanks a lot
I'll try again the driver upgrade tonight.
glad i could help
those kind of instability usually comes from "fresh" products - and MoBos with half-finished Bios (like my GA-AX370-Gaming 3 or Gaming 5 have arful bios - but the biosmod from ket for my Gaming 5 is brilliant)
some bios can be unlocked by a hotkey or key-combo
others have those spoken about mod-bios