Hello, my nephew came to me needing help with his PC. He has an RX 6600 8gb. It was working fine then i guess while installing new drivers the software said some sort of error and then restarted. When it powers up it shows the BIOS, then it goes black and says no signal on the monitor. Not being able to see anything i held the power button 5 seconds until it powered off then powered it on. Same thing, BIOS then black/no signal. Did this a few times which forced the recovery mode. So BIOS then recovery which amazingly shows on the screen. Ran into an issue with the recovery because he did not remember his password (always used a 4 digit pin instead). After he figured out the PW i was able to recover and load it again.
Then just the same thing, BIOS then black screen/no signal. I swapped out his Radeon card for my old nvidia card and it worked the whole time perfectly. So the computer works and everything works but the 6600 does not show windows on his PC, only the BIOS. So i put his card on my PC and started it. Loaded logged into windows, showed low res but it worked, then after a couple of minutes it went black again. I am guessing windows 10 detected and installed basic drivers for it? If so why would that make it not work?
Now i had two windows 10 PCs that would not show anything after the BIOS screen on this one card. But my old nvidia card worked on both no problem. Next i had a theory and put the card in my sons PC which has windows 11. Started it up, BIOS, windows, logged in, downloaded and installed latest drivers. No issues, runs just fine. Put it back in the other PCs and still wont run windows.
My question is, did the card get a bad load of drivers for windows 10 when it crashed the first time? Would the drivers be on the card or are drivers on the SSD? If so how can i fix the drivers on the card if i cannot load in to windows to do anything. If they are not on the card and just the SSD, i imagine load in safe mode and remove the drivers but the next boot wont it do the same thing where windows will attempt to load basic drivers and it stops working again?
I know i have a good card but not for windows 10 currently cause of a failed driver install and i am kind of stuck and am looking for a way out of this mess.