I have a RX 480 8g Sapphire nitro, I have been for more than a year the drivers v 17.11., I tried the adrenaline, the first version, but it was very bad.
In the 17.11 i have a litle trouble whit the voltage of the GPU core, i have a undervolt, 1266-1050mv, but some time, in a fration of second, have a peak of 1150, checked whit GPU-Z and HWinfo in same time.
I install the 19.5.1 drivers, unistalling the 17.11 whit DDU in safe mode, W10, this wattman is horrific, the average minimun temperature up from 40 to 50ºc, the fans are uncontrollable, i put the manual control of them, but the zero rmp not work, i modify the .xml file of profile to activate this feature, work, but is dificult control the fans efficiently.
In addition, voltage spikes continue.
Is there a stable version, working correctly? what version do you use?
I do not want to waste hours configuring and testing when what's wrong is wattman, driver.
Many thanks.
Hi all.