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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Been having frequent system hangs

Decided to start a new post from my original post.Problems with all drivers after 18.9.3  Been doing a lot of testing on different drivers and I can install drivers up to 18.11.2, with no problems, but as soon as install 18.12.2 or higher, when AMD changed the style of drivers, thats when all the problems start. I've also found, that doing these events and sometimes without, I get this error in the event viewer, The AODDriver4.3.0 service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified.

 Now, I have switched video cars with my wifes and still happens. My wife's computer is the same as mine except she has the Asus 990FX revision 2.0 motherboard and I have the 3.0 and also her video card is the sapphire rx480 and min is the MSI rx480. Now when I hook up the tv to her computer and run dual monitors, no problems the the event viewer doesn't show any problems and shes running 19.1.1 drivers.

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