Need more information on your laptop like EXACT Dell Make & model (Serial Number if possible) plus Make & Model of both APU and Discrete GPU. Plus Windows version and AMD driver version installed.
If you have an APU with R4 AMD Processor you just need to download the APU Graphic driver which will install both the Integrated and discrete GPU drivers for your laptop.
BUT it is best to use Dell's own AMD Graphics driver( if about the same year) since it is 100% compatible and uses all of your laptop features whereas AMD generic driver is not 100% compatible but will work normally and most likely not show the exact GPUs you have installed but will still be compatible to use.
Go here and look up your APU and download the Graphic driver you need:

The A6 Laptop APU seems to be the only ones with R4 Graphics but possibly some newer APU may also have R4 graphics. Need to find out the exact APU you have installed.
EDIT: All the AMD Graphic Drivers for all the A6 APU are the same and the latest. So you can use any of the three to download your AMD driver.