Hello, I am here to ask of something I recently saw on AMD's adrenaline edition software (I have an AMD Ryzen 5 5600H processor):

I bought this laptop about a month ago, and I recently opened up this software and I see this. I have used 3D mark twice, total time probably not amounting to more 45 minutes, and here it says I have used it for 124 hours. I have used blender as well, and its 'play total' seems to be fine. Also, alien isolation is not even installed on this laptop, and I have never even touched this game, and here it shows 103 hours of playtime. I am concerned about whether this laptop is even new or not, what's going on? What can I do to definitively check whether the laptop is new or not? Or is it just an issue on AMD's side? Also, another thing I would like to point out, is that I have an RTX 3050 Graphics Card, so 18.5 average fps on alien isolation is kind of odd. I just do not know what's going on.
I also see this when I click on the alien isolation block:

This for blender:

This for 3DMark Demo: