So i have a problem when I turn on PC (or anything on PC really),
my saturation just returns to 100,so I turn it on software again to 200 and turn on my game,
but as soon as I minimize software or click anything other than software it returns back to normal saturation...
Does anyone have the same problem or knows how to fix it??
I have the same problem, someone can help pls?
Are you talking about saturation like monitor or tv picture settings or FPS (Refresh Rates).
I'm not familiar with the term saturation in this given context.
That's an odd one.
I assume its the option under Display > Customer Color > Saturation ie monitor saturation
I've only seen it 'reset' when I update the software but nothing like you are talking of.
Do you have a video of it happening
I have the exactly same problem, I even change to vibrancegui it works for like 2/3 days and suddenly justs stop working, my saturation is normal, I really don't have any idea what to do. 😕
same problem with me saturation back to 100 after reboot
Try turn off Nvidia screen saturation, it worked for me.
I have an amd gpu do you have a fix for someone in my situation