Hello everyone, i´'am currently using AMD Radeon software version 22.1.2, but since about two versions ago, the software does not show me the CPU usage metrics, as i mentioned, i have already tried updating the software and the problem persists, try to restore the factory settings and it didn't work, as i see on the Internet, it also happens to other users, could you give me some suggestion, along with finishing the game that i'am currently playing, i will proceed to completely uninstall the software to see if this corrects the fault, i appreciate any ideas or suggestions on the matter other than those that i have already tried, thanks.
As you will see in the screenshot, no matter how much the CPU is at rest, it is not possible for it to mark zero and it stays that way all the time while I am playing, the software shows me the temperature of the CPU, but not its use.
Also seems strange that the vram is reporting for a rx570 ?
Try a clean install of the driver by downloading/save the full driver pkg from AMD and install from that.
And suggest you use DDU to uninstall the current driver/software.
I also have
The cpu metric overlay does not read every core.
got the same issue, just shows the cpu util metric. i have a spare hard drive with a clean windows install, and can get the other metrics like cpu temp and cpu voltage. wonder how we can fix this on our existing setup ?
finally fixed! it turns out my ryzen master is corrupted, re-installed it fixed my issue 😄
Thanks for the information and i am glad that your problem was solved, in my case, i reinstalled the Ryzen Master app and the problem persisted, i uninstalled it, restarted the PC and reinstalled and the problem persists, so in my case that solution it does not apply, anyway it is not bad to die and one day i will find the definitive solution, thanks...
hi, i also had initial trouble re-installing ryzen master, what i did was something this guy in this video did
i went into my regedit.exe and deleted all those ryzen master entries in there for a total uninstall
that's how i was able to re-install the latest edition successfully 😄
hope u get to fix yours 😄
Hello - Did your issue finally resolve ? I am using a Ryzen 9 7900x CPU and Asus strix ROG Amd Radeon 6900xt LC GPU. I get all the GPU details including temp, however on the CPU I only get Utilization. I am.using the newest AMD adrenalin sofrware.
Hello everyone, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of the AMD software 22.3.1 and now it works perfectly and shows the CPU usage, I hope this information is useful, greetings.