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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD Link: PC (without Radeon) to PC (with Radeon). Is it even possible?

It seems like it is impossible to install\use AMD Link on a computer without a Radeon card. I have my main gaming PC with a Radeon RX6800. AMD Link works just fine on my crappy old phone, in fact it works incredibly well in terms of video quality and lag. But unless I'm an idiot it seems impossible to install AMD Link on a second PC without a Radeon card, because correct me if I'm wrong, you can't install the Radeon software if you don't have a Radeon Card. So it seems totally impossible for me to stream my gaming PC from my Laptop (with Intel Iris integrated graphics).

Now, I know phones are the best thing ever, and that everyone wants to do everything on their phones nowadays, maybe I'm a crusty old boomer and I don't "get" it, but seriously, what's even the point of streaming PC games on phones, it's unplayable. It blows my mind that my ancient phone can stream my PC without a hitch but streaming to a modern laptop is impossible.

Again I seriously hope I'm missing something here and that I'm just being dumb, but PC to PC streaming should be possible if PC to phone is possible. Please let me know if streaming to a second PC without a Radeon card is actually impossible.

2 Replies

This PC Magazine about AMD Link says both computer needs to have Radeon GPUs and AMD drivers to work together:

"Note: Radeon PCs. You and the person you'll be streaming to, or vice versa, will both require Radeon GPUs to be running in your rigs. And that's not as simple an entry requirement as it once was given the chip shortage right now. 

There's no standalone AMD Link PC client like there is on Google, iOS, or Amazon, which means there's no way to get the app without the Radeon drivers installed, even if you're not hosting the session. It's not entirely clear why there's a fence around AMD Link on PC, but the end result is a feature with limited utility for the majority of PC gamers."

The above article was published on 04/2021 so it is updated.



Looks like that article escaped me when I googled it before asking here. If you want my two cents, it seems incredibly dumb to focus on phones instead of computers. I can't think of any pc game that would be playable on a phone, except maybe Candy Crush, but then again that game has a native phone version. Limiting it only to amd hardware on pc seems insanely dumb as well, as I assume most people would want streaming to laptops or htpcs with Intel igpu. What a waste of a "ground breaking app", seriously.