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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I


I only have one option for a driver for win10 enterprise for this pro card and it is from 2006, 6 years BEFORE the card was released(old recycled drivers)

*I get the common dx12 error on starting helldivers 2,
*I also have issues with most 3d programs that the cards where supposedly designed and purchased specifically for solidworks, autocad, HSM works. freezing, lagging, crashing. This is clearly a driver issue as noted by the fact that the CONSUMER/GAMER software got driver updates to fix this and the PRO WORKSTATION cards for WIN ENTERPRISE long term service OS haven't had anything since 2006 as can be seen in the notes on the latest adrenaline software notes here:

(we have have several builds here is the one with the newest components)
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 64-bit
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
GPU: AMD FirePro 7000
Mobo: X470 GAMING M7 AC (MS-7B77) (AM4
RAM: 32g F4-3200C14D-16GFX
SSD m.12: Western Digital WDC WDS500G2B0B-00YS70

Not trying to flame AMD. So calmly and with respect, Just saying,
*I bought very expensive set of professional workstation GPU's with the most common long term service business class OS for my business that deals with cad, cam, 3d design. for the purpose of, 10 year proofing, avoiding compatibility issues like this so that our business can run smoothly.
*I have had nothing but driver and stability problems with these cards since first purchased and have NEVER received a driver built for this card and its been over 12 years.
*That being said I see no benefit to buying professional cards or using pro software from amd for my business from this point forward.

7 Replies

@fsadough can help you with your Pro GPU Card question.

But if you are using a old Windows 10 LTSC than that would be your problem.  Windows 10 LTSC don't get regular Windows updates thus the latest drivers may not be fully or incompatible with your OS.

Generally, you need the latest version of Windows fully updated for the latest AMD drivers to work correctly. so if you are using a Windows 10 LTSC 2016, as an example only, than that means your Windows OS is still like it was in 2016 with only security updates on it since. But the latest AMD Driver might depend on future Windows updates to work correctly.

I helped this other User @nicolaskern  with a similar Pro GPU card and using Windows 10 LTSC 2016 and he needed to upgrade to Windows 10 LTSC 2021 for the latest AMD Driver to install and work:

NOTE: @fsadough is the person that can help you with your AMD Professional GPU card issues. He will probably answer next week.


This is windows 10 Enterprise ltsc version 1809 2018.  Supported by Microsoft until Jan 12, 2027. amd driver version 27.20.21026.2006 was at purchase the latest STABLE professional windows os for business for game design and 3d cad cam environments so I figured they would have decent support for cad cam and 3d games. These cards cost like 4,000 when new.

I can not use the Adrenaline consumer software with Enterprise it says it will only allow AMD PRO software to be installed if you try.

Okay, @fsadough tomorrow hopefully will be able to help both of your guys using Windows 10 LTSC OSes.

In my opinion, Your Windows 10 LTSC may be supported up to 2027 but it doesn't get the regular Windows Updates (Optional, as an example) that the latest AMD Driver might require for the driver to work correctly. So it is like you still have Windows version 1809 installed with no other Windows Updates except Security Updates. AMD Latest driver requires the latest Windows Updates to be installed.

Yes, if you have a AMD Pro GPU card it will only install the AMD Pro driver and not the Consumer Driver Adrenaline.

Anyways, FSA Dough can explain to you your situation and clear up any false information that I have posted.

Adept I

The ltsc lto has the ability to get all current windows updates minus the windows store and store apps, but does not push updates, or require them they are optional, But This system is up to date.

I don't see any pro software update that fixes this dx12_0 issue for normal windows 10 ether this looks to me That the drivers for consumer cards got an update for this issue and PRO cards did not.

Is it just that consumer cards get 'beta' style updates and pro only gets 'stabilized' updates? If so when can we expect this update? 


Seems like FSA Dough is either on vacation or not available for the time being. So nothing much I can add since he is the Moderator who is the expert on Professional GPU cards at AMD Forum.


What exactly do you mean when you say:

"I only have one option for a driver for win10 enterprise for this pro card and it is from 2006, 6 years BEFORE the card was released(old recycled drivers)".

  • Are you saying you can only use this specific driver because of your own limitations?
  • Or are you implying that the only driver AMD is for W7000 is from 2006? Which is not true.

To my knowledge the Win 10 64bit driver should work for you and it is from 2021.
Radeon PRO Software for Enterprise 21.Q2.1 Release Notes | AMD