Today I received my new 7800xt graphics card. I had an Nvidia 3070 previously. So I uninstalled Nvidia and all the other software from the company, with the DDU tool so as not to forget anything. I installed my new card and launched the installation of adrenalin version 23.9.1 the drivers are installed correctly since my resolution has changed and my second screen lights up with the desktop (proof that the installation was done correctly ) moreover the software is present in the taskbar but the software whose icon appears disappears once you click on it. Also impossible to launch the software. I tried to reinstall several times with version 23.9.2 but the problem persists and after 5 hours of trying to install my new graphics card I admit that I give up.
If you have a solution or a similar problem I am interested.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I solve my problem this weekend.
I reset windows and reinstall the 23.9.1 and it's work after that i download in the software the 23.9.2 and still working.
It's a bit hard but it work for me .
Have a good day 😜
Hey AMD: FYI the Bug isn't fixed.
Last working Adrenaline Version 23.9.1.
Your Adrenalin Frontend does not start.
Again no mention in Known Bugs section of 23.11.1 (same as 10.x and 9.x).
Please advice how to proceed, or are we supposed to go ahead and give team green a try?
I don't think that AMD is actually working on fixing this.
However I believe I have found something (at least something that works for me).
As always, I am not responsible for what you do, and if following my guide makes your computer explode, it's not my fault.
I am asking some of you who are affected by this bug and ever had Epic Games Launcher installed to try this:
Please respond if it fixed your issue or not, or if you don't even have the EpicGamesLauncher folder.
If I find out it doesn't actually work and it was just a coincidence, I will edit this post to correct it.
Good Luck!
I know this thread is a bit old, but I did try this fix and unfortunately it didn't work for me. Not sure if it has to do with the latest firmware or what but I did what you suggested and watched the application with procmon.exe and here are the folders it seemed to access right before it crashed:
Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Users\WildPyro\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
If you are still having this issue, I can try to look into it. Though I'm not 100% sure if I will be able to help you, as I am by no means an expert in this.
If you haven't tried it yet, please run the AMD Cleanup Utility and reinstall a fresh version of the driver. If that didn't help, continue with the next step.
Next, try creating a new Windows user account, log into it and try to launch the Radeon Software as that user. Please report in your message if it worked correctly under the new user, since that could help me find the issue.
Now, back under your normal user account, start procmon and set up the filter to include only processes with their name matching RadeonSoftware.exe.
Clear the display (Ctrl+X) and try launching Radeon Software. After it crashes (disappears in taskmgr and stops logging in procmon), stop the capture (Ctrl+E), then save the filtered events as PML.
You can then .zip the created PML file to save some space (at least in my case I was able to shrink the file size to roughly 10% of the original size), upload it somewhere (don't know if it's possible to upload directly to this forum) and send me the file.
I will then look into your procmon capture, try to figure it out and report back what I found, though as I already said, no guarantees that I will actually be able to help you.
You're f****king genius!! thanks man!
I knew epicgame had something to do with. cuz i was about to launch and i had a fetal failure!!
anyway thanks
You are a life saver. After 1 year the problem still persists but this somehow fixed it , thank you!
Chiming in on 2025 and this is still the fix. I had to do this today on a brand new computer build.
This did not work for me and adrenalin still wont launch
Where is this mystery folder %localappdata%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved?
This also worked for me! Removing logs from Epic Games Launcher. A bit strange but thanks!
Is there any possibility to stop AMD from reading the log folder of Epic Games? I need the Epic Games Launcher, so deleting isnt an option. And stopping Epic from writing logs is making it crash...
Just did the epic fix and installed 23.11.1 Working now for me as well. WOW How did you find this???? AMD hire this guy stat!!!!! @amd
How did I find this?
Well, I believed it was not a hardware issue, because when I created a completely new user account in Windows and logged in, Radeon Software worked without crashing. I also believed that the thing preventing it from opening wasn't in any folder that belongs to Radeon Software, since I used AMD Cleanup Utility which removes all AMD folders. So I was stuck for a while, because that meant it could be anything.
Then I found out about Process Monitor, which is a program that (among other things) monitors what files are accesed by which processes. So I looked at what Radeon Software was doing before it crashed, and found that it read Epic Launcher's logs. So i tried renaming the folder and to my surprise it worked.
So no, I am no master hacker, just a kid who wants his **bleep** software to work 😄
Sick that it works for everyone
It worked for me too. Im very Happy
Now i hope that i had Epic games software 😄 So no help in here.
check if you have the folder, that's what other people are reporting
Well I don't have the issue and when I checked I do not have an EpicGamesLauncher in %localappdata% either which just validates your find even more. Good work Sherlock
Now AMD need to address their code not to crash if there's an issue with a logfile being processed.
I tried to edit in the solution found by brikulex, since my FYI Post is somehow marked as solution.
Unfortunately this forum does not allow to edit it.
@uxgdev @Matt_AMD please also mark the solution as solution:
Since there is no official documentation, please also list the directories this software is scanning on each startup.
pretty obvious that AMD didn't even bother troubleshooting this basic issue, really we have to depend on a wonderful end user has to debug and run something relatively basic like process monitor to figure out the issue??? glad its fixed for some, but I have lost confidence in AMD bug reporting. pretty crazy a 3rd party log folder causes the AMD process to fail. really bad coding if that is the case to have such a dependency.
AMD you should be ashamed this bug has been going on for so long. I am no longer willing to recommend AMD to my freinds.
Since the company still has not fixed it, here is the fix
User avatar
level 1
12 days ago
I don't belive that i'm writing this, but this solution from brikulex helped me with newest 23.11.1 driver for my 6800XT
"I don't think that AMD is actually working on fixing this.
However I believe I have found something (at least something that works for me).
As always, I am not responsible for what you do, and if following my guide makes your computer explode, it's not my fault.
I am asking some of you who are affected by this bug and ever had Epic Games Launcher installed to try this:
Exit Epic Games Launcher if you have it open (right click it in the notification tray and click Exit)
Open the folder %localappdata%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved
Rename the Logs folder to something like LogsBackup
Try to open Radeon Software and hope it works
Please respond if it fixed your issue or not, or if you don't even have the EpicGamesLauncher folder.
If I find out it doesn't actually work and it was just a coincidence, I will edit this post to correct it.
Good Luck!"
Yes its that simple, change the name of one folder and it starts to work.
From the thread
"Seems like the person that found the issue thinks Adrenaline uses the log files from the game launchers in order to figure out what games you have installed, and something in one of the log files crashes that part of Adrenalin."
Soo yeah fix your **bleep** please.
I have just reinstalled Windows 10, and installed the newest version of the AMD Adrenaline software, with NO Epic games folder anywhere near it, and the control panel for Adrenaline will still not launch. Not in normal mode, not in Administrator mode, nothing. Bupkiss! I am about to junk another WHQL (a laughably meaningless designation as the software is FAR from being any sort of "quality") and go back to the last one that did work. THREE driver releases ago.
I am running a brand-new Radeon RX 7800 XT which I bought with my own money, and I am regretting every single penny I spent on it.
AMD needs to sort this problem out - it is disgraceful that a community member has had to come up with a solution that sorts problems out, not someone who's paid an extortionate amount of money to do their job and make a program that works, and is inarguably failing to do so.
Oh, and before I forget, your HDMI audio drivers are rubbish too.
My amd doesnt pop up for start up nor when i search for the app. i can only right clock to see adrenaline but it wont open still. shows its running in the background. i uninstalled it and reinstalled with the previous update and that worked and it opened but i wasnt able to play any games due to an outdated driver. installed the updated driver and now it wont open up. funny because it was working just fine two hours ago until i tried to do a phone connect.
Please fix soon AMD. Rx7600S
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and it ended up with an 22.2.1 driver and the application opened up just fine but I couldn’t run games. I like the freedom of being able to adjust my graphic quality and color quality at ease. With this not opening at after just having this laptop for only a week with no issues until this makes me rethink this decision of going all red. Adrenaline software doesn’t open up AT ALL. Task manager shows its running in the background but the application won’t open to where I can adjust graphics and color. Pretty frustrating. Been trying for almost 3 hours to figure this out. Please help fix asap
So recently I got the issue where my AMD Adrenaline Edition software is not opening when clicking from the right mouse button. I searched YouTube and Reddit like you guys and got the default solutions where people were saying.
1. Task manager -> AMD External Event Client Manager-> Right click ( go to details) ->atiecxx.exe -> Right click ( End process tree)
2. %localappdata% -> AMD -> Delete the CN folder
3. Device Manager: Disable and Enable GPU Driver
4. Re-install the driver
But this solution is not working for me. I don't know why.
SO After searching for so long,. I tried this method:
1. Uninstall your current AMD software.
2. Download the official "amdcleanuputiliy.exe" from their website.
3. Go to safe mode and run amdcleanuputility.exe.
4. After finishing, go back to normal mode.
5. Install the latest version of AMD Adrenaline recommended by your GPU model and Problem should be solved 🙂
this worked for me. thanks so much for posting.
If AMD wants to address this same issue caused from another source...
Steps to recreate the issue:
Using Steam to Launch TitanFall 2 which uses a crap EA games launcher (which barely worked with Nvidia software. EA game launcher always crashed a few times before it successfully launched.) After a few tries game launched. Changed to Full Screen mode, played and left the game with no visible issues. Next day, couldn't launch the game again. Other steam games would not launch in full screen mode. Each game (with full screen enabled) got a D3D9 error. managed to get other games to launch in -windowed mode.
Symptom: Crashed Adrenaline and it would not restart. Other steam games which previously worked would not launch in full screen mode.
Not sure which step fixed the problem.
1) Reinstalled Adrenaline Software
2) Rename "Logs" file folder (to any name).. C:\users\(username)\appdata\local\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\Logs
Guess I cant play Titanfall anymore..
Just want to reply this issue started happening for me too today. Hopefully AMD can look into this. (Thanks for all the comments and suggestions from the community. Haven't had time to try all these different potential fixes yet. Although I feel like it should be fixed by AMD.)
Just wanted to share what was causing a similar issue for me. I noticed that Adrenaline was not directly "crashing" for me so to speak, but it was stuck in a frozen state (when it was last working, I had the GPU/CPU overlay enabled, and I couldn't use the keyboard shortcut to turn it off anymore for example) - even the system tray icon was non-responsive to a right click.
I used brikulex's idea to monitor Radeon with Process Monitor, and it turns out when I switched to my AMD GPU I forgot to uninstall NVIDIA's Broadcast software (the actual GPU drivers were removed, but this is a secondary component of theirs) - apparently Adrenaline was just infinitely attempting to read the logs folder from that program, under C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation (do note the ProgramData folder is hidden by default, so you'll need to go to that path directly). I then also had to remove NVIDIA Broadcast completely, as it kept just recreating the logs folder and adding more stuff.
After this, then force restarting Adrenaline, it came up with no problem.
Seems AMD might need to look into adding some sort of built-in timeout to this log parsing feature that Adrenaline has, given that it has had this exact problem for quite a while now and just keeps happening with various log files.
Same problem here with RX 7700 XT. Windows 10 was clean installation for new this new PC so won't do a new WIN 10 installation. The thing is that the Adrenaline will work and open normally when Windows starts but usually won't open from the system tray after you played something. It's just unresponsive and won't open unless you kill it totally from the task management. I also have had multiple crashes with this card for some reason and the Adrenaline just says it reset all the settings from Adrenaline back to original even when they were not really tweaked at all so no idea what is up with that.
I must say that Adrenaline is a let down from the beginning for a new user who switched from intel and NVIDIA which worked pretty much perfectly for 10 years to his mess where everything is more or less buggy and things don't really make sense when you try to spent time to figure out the problems.
Here the same, I have an RX 7700XT. I can open the software after I start Windows but for some reason it stops working randomly.
BTW, do you use MSI center? I already tried the Epic Games thingie but it did not work for me:
Now I'm trying to figure out if MSI center is the cause of the problem by overriding things from the Adrenaline and making it unstable.
I also tried adding Adrenaline to taskbar and I could open it but parts of the program was jammed. I could launch games which were on the main page but I could not exit the Adrenaline Window. So this bug is really weird. It's like parts of the Adrenaline froze but some parts of it still worked... For sure it's buggy and unstable as hell. Happens every day...
Hello, for me Adrenalin randomly behaves like this and I can't figure out what the trigger is. I don't use Epic software and also no MSI center but after searching the web I stumbled on a post somewhere telling that Spotify could be messing with Adrenalin's game library function due to automatic updates, I don't no how that would be affecting Adrenalin but I tried the fix in that post telling to disable HW acceleration in Spotify.
Since I tried that I noticed that Adrenalin indeed starts and this problem no longer seems to appear anymore. I can't say with certain certainty it helps but you could try it if you are using Spotify.
Interesting. Yeah I use Spotify. Thanks for the info. Gotta try that if nothing changes after uninstalling parts of MSI center.
Yeah, HW acceleration in Spotify turned off and it didn't work. Adrenaline still thinks games are running when they are not and it also still jams every day, sometimes multiple times per day and it seems I don't even need to play anything. It just jams and never goes back to normal. Totally clean installation nor any new drivers do not help with that at all. What I been reading about it it's just total trash as a program. So many people have so many problems with it.
So eventually I found out, after multiple re-installations and other things, that the only stable version of Adrenaline is 24.8.1. After that the app is buggy and unstable in so many ways. It seems all the same problems are moving to the next updates. I even tried the unpublished version and all the same problems exists in that one too: Slow opening, random crashes, application jamming, showing that I play a game even when I'm not, etc.
Tried with totally clean installations and chip set installations too, but Adrenaline is just broken after 24.8.1. to many of us so keep that or older version that works without any problems if you want to have it. Otherwise just have a minimal installation with drivers.
Perhaps you might try a complete motherboard most recent driver installation. Also check for a BIOS update.
You are having too many conflicts with your GPU drivers. When these drivers are tested they require the latest BIOS on any system and most recent drivers.
You may also have some "SYSTEM" processes disabled that need to be enabled for everything to work properly.
When I make a clean installation of Windows or Linux the first thing I do is see what processes are running, enabled (if on manual change to auto), or disabled. If disabled, I ask myself, "Is there ever a chance that I might need this enabled".
My PC was totally new and all updates are done. I have been reading a lot about this from the internet and it's clear lots of people have lots of issues after 24.8.1. version. They clearly broke something after that. There are multiple different issues so it's not just a one bug that happens. I been also having couple of total jamming crashes with the 24.8.1. when playing Kingdom Come Deliverance but not sure if that is caused by the game itself or if it's a GPU/Adrenaline based problem.
Bios is up to date so are the GPU chip drivers (with clean installation). I won't go to any new adrenaline versions because I tested them all and they all have the same problems: Program jamming or won't open, showing I play some game even when I have not opened any games after fresh boot. Some people have also reported problems with browsers, Spotify and Epic games launcher with the Adrenaline. So to me it seems that after 24.8.1. they made some changed to code and it's now in every version after that causing the same problems to some setups.
Do me a solid. If this keeps happening in future driver iterations, use the bug report tool and be as detailed as possible in explaining the symptoms of your problem and how to recreate it, so the driver team can narrow down the issue. This goes for anyone having the problem. The more communication and information the driver team can get the better.
I have send one automatic crash report and done at least one bug report. The thing is I have no idea what causes these problems. They just appear randomly but surely. Sure I can send more error reports in the future with hard ware info. Just had a full crash again while playing Kingdom Come Deliverance 10 minutes ago, and had to do cold/hard reboot for the whole PC. Still don't know if it was the GPU caused or game itself. Unstable for sure.
Unfortunately those of us with the 6900 and 6950xt need the full driver install to be able to create a custom fan curve, otherwise the driver allows the gpu to get near 100C for no good reason. I plotted temperatures vs fan speed and it's easy to see how slow the fans go even when temps get really high. I'd love to go with a basic driver install but nothing works on the gpu fans like the driver does.
I'm having this software bug right now, 24.12.1
I used to use MSI Afterburner on my RX 5600 XT. Maybe that would work with the driver only install?