Since update 24.1.1, I have the impression that AMD has reintroduced a problem with GPU hardware acceleration.
When playing a video, and quite rarely, the video will lag (including sound) and the mouse cursor will lag during this bug.
I had this problem a long time ago with old drivers, which had been officially resolved (patch note).
Let's not jump to conclusions, because in the meantime a Windows 10 update (KB5034203) has been launched, the web browser updated and the graphics driver updated.
I've switched back to the old 23.12.1 drivers (DDU + install) and so far I haven't had this annoying bug.
I'll give feedback on a longer session with this old driver.
config: R7 5700x, RX 6750XT, Edge chromium.
On a long session (23.12.1) with youtube and internet, I had no more problems with "mouse cursor freeze" and slow-motion youtube video.
I guess the hardware acceleration is still broken on the 24.1.1.
Nothing else has changed between installing the 24.1.1 and installing the 23.12.1 (apart from a DDU when installing the old driver).
I have this exact problem. It only started with the 24.1.1 driver. While playing certain Youtube videos, and more often when using the preview function for videos (mousing over), the screen will freeze but the audio will play just fine. When the screen unfreezes, the video is at the proper place matching the audio.
I had to return to using 23.12.1 to fix this. I recently tried the new 24.2.1 driver and it also displays the same behavior. I'm kind of wondering if this is somehow related to the new Fluid Motion Frames feature, since that's the main new offering in the 24.x.x series of drivers.
At any rate, I'm planning on reinstalling the latest driver and adding Firefox to the game list and turning off all the upscaling and frame generation features and seeing if that stops the glitch. I'll have to let you know.
Do you have any news about this problem?
I'm still on version 23.12.1...
Have you tested version 24.6.1?
Have a nice day!
So no matter what I've tried, I can't get the video screen freeze to stop. It comes and goes. I thought perhaps I'd had some luck when I installed a Youtube enhancer addon into Firefox that allowed me to lock Youtube playback down to just using the H.264 codec, but I can't be sure.
Regardless it still occurs with things like Steam during game trailer playback in the store. I've also had it occur for some reason when opening Microsoft 365 to read a Word doc.
My intuition tells me that something they changed between the 23 and 24 series of driver has broken acceleration for certain video codecs. I say this because when I experienced the screen freeze/unfreeze in Youtube, it was only when mousing over certain video previews, not all. And likewise only playing certain videos would cause this to happen, others were fine.
I have the same exact problem too with 24.2.1 and 24.1.1 and im using rx6900xt one temporary fix for me was disabling ReBar . or you can go back to 23.11.1 and fix it
the freez usually hapeens in 1080p 60 videos and with mouse movement on screen
Yeah, downgrading to the last 23.x.x release fixes the issue, unfortunately I lose access to Fluid Motion Frames in the new 24.x.x series of drivers. I guess I'll just have to stay old-school until AMD figures out what they munged between the 23 and 24 series that affects video playback.
So I think I've finally got it figured out, and it was staring me in the face the entire time.
I'm not sure if I should lay this at the feet of Asus because it's Armoury Crate software is pretty jank, or still with AMD for changing something in the driver that now causes the behavior.
At any rate, I started playing around with various configurations trying to find the sweet spot, and it just so happens that I had selected the "Ultimate" GPU mode from the Armoury Crate settings when I first got this Tuf Gaming laptop, and never had to change it. Until now.
When I select Ultimate gaming mode, I experience this screen freeze issue, however when I select the Smart Access Graphics option (which disables the manually set GPU modes and switches between the Integrated and Discrete as necessary) the problem goes away. Which, as you can see reading the Tip popup for the option, should be the exact opposite. Go figure.
Anyway, I'm not sure why this seems to be the reverse of what would rationally be expected, but if someone else out there is experiencing the same issue, and they use Armoury Crate, try playing with this option and see if it makes the screen freeze issue magically disappear.
I have random video freezes and mouse cursor stuck in Google Chrome with drivers 24.1.1.. I disabled hardware acceleration in chrome and it looks it helped. No freezes anymore. I had thie same problem with some older driver.. reintroduced problem?
It is probably solved in 24.2.1
The bug (youtube randomly freeze in video) has still not been resolved with the latest 24.3.1 drivers ...
I'm reinstalling the 23.12.1!
This bug is still here. RX5700XT, 24.3.1.... Windows 11, all browsers... Disabling HA helps.
I had similar issues intermittently on 24.3.x and 24.2.x -- it extended to the BIOS and Windows 10.
Disabling Resizable BAR in BIOS resolved the issue for me.
I'm on 23.12.1 now and pretty stable.
It is already disabled for me so no help 😕 4G decoding also.