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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Adrenaline 24.12.1 UE5 problem

Hey the latest Driver 24.12.1 has for me a problem with games that run the Unreal 5 engine.

This is happening just latetly before i could play ue5 games without any prob.

The Problem:

My GPU (rx 6600) always doubles the hotspot temp. So Normal temp is around 50c and hotspot really jumps up to 95-100%.

As soon i quit a ue5 game it instantly goes back to equal gpu temp.

Noticed and testet on Remnant 2 & Ninja gaiden black.


I tried some stress tests and NEVER even on 100% the hotspot temp goes that high.


My woraround is to limit fan speed at 100c to 60% but the thing is if my gpu really runs hot for once this could have bad consequences. So im happy if theres a fast update/fix to have it like normal 😄

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