First time using a computer with an AMD processor and I am losing my mind trying to get the integrated graphics to work.
I am using a Lenovo H415 with an A8-3850 APU w/ Radeon HD Graphics 6550D ON Windows 7. I have Catalyst 15.7.1 and
Crimson 16.2.1 downloaded from AMD website. The Lenovo website is a joke and the graphics driver they have linked
on their website is corrupted and wont install. I am trying to use an HDMI cable from my monitor to the integrated HDMI
connection on the back of the computer but I get no signal. I have used DDU prior to installing the aforementioned drivers.
Device Manager doesn't show anything missing and under Display the only entry is the horrible Nvidia GT 710 GPU I am using
now but I can't get a signal on the monitor without using the NVIDIA card. please help I for real am out of ideas.