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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

A generalized question about AMD Drivers

I have been a long time lover of Nvidia video cards since about 2012 but lately I have been unhappy with my RTX 3070 Ti for several reasons I won't go into detail about here. But I have a question about AMD's driver control panel in general. I tried searching here in this subreddit. I've tried searching on all of reddit. I've even tried asking a couple friends of mine that use AMD video cards and I can not seem to get a clear answer so I think I'll try posting here to see if someone can help me figure this out.

The question: Is there any kind of way to export and preserve all of the customized settings in the AMD control panel for the video card so if I upgrade drivers I can re-import without having to re-set everything? Or does it allow us to have a web account and sync our settings to the cloud and re-apply it when we update drivers?

I'm referring to the per-game profiles we can create, turning settings on/off, the custom overclocking settings, etc, all of that. The main reason I have liked Nvidia has been the ability to export all control panel settings with a 3rd party app and re-apply it after a driver update. Or if I have to re-install windows again, start clean, and re-install drivers. I want to be able to back up all of the things I would change in the AMD control panel. I can't seem to find any way of doing this. Can someone tell me about this? Is this possible? Does it need a 3rd party app? Am I the only one that would want to do this? Am I crazy for wanting this?

1 Reply

I think you can import and export your OC settings. When I was experimenting with an underclock, it did not work for me, but it worked for the youtuber (search for prolific amd guy and underclocking 7900 xtx for the video). I am doubtful about individual game profiles being exported. I do not know if there is an equivalent 3rd party app for it.