Hello, I need help. After running a Windows batch file with RyzenAdj.exe, it functioned as desired. However, I've observed that it gradually reduces the APU STAPM limit over time, eventually reaching a minimum of 35W.
Initially, before using RyzenAdj.exe, I configured everything to balanced mode and disabled turbo boost. The APU STAPM limit remained stable at 100W consistently, only dropping to 35W when launching UXTU. But now, as I mentioned earlier, it continues to decrease even when set to high performance with turbo boost enabled. While it does increase slightly, it still declines over time. Restarting the PC doesn't resolve this issue. I've already reset the PC twice now, I notice it gradually increasing back to 100W for a while before decreasing again.
I don't know this is normal or not but compare to before it's not.