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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

6700XT driver crashing and not recovering

I hope someone here can offer some advice. I tried posting this on the Tom's Hardware forum with no luck.
I recently switched from a 1660Ti to a 6700XT. After the switch, I am getting what I believe are driver crashes. One of my screens will go black, and the mouse will lock up before the PC as a whole does.
I thought it was a bad power or a bad card, but I ran two individual 6-pins instead of the pigtail and Furmark for about 30mins, and everything was fine. Temps, fan speeds, everything. The other reason I am leaning toward driver issues is that very seldomly when I reboot the pc, the GPU driver won't load, and I'll have to restart again or completely reinstall the driver.
I've completely reinstalled Windows, so I know it's not a driver conflict. Windows Event Viewer doesn't give me anything, and I am not getting any blue screens; it's just like the driver is crashing and not recovering. The biggest tail tell is a driver issue is once my machine crashes, on the restart, the graphic's driver won't load. I will have to restart a second or third time. I've uninstalled the Nvidia drivers with DDU, double-checked any overclock, and did a clean Windows install to ensure there were no driver conflicts. 
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