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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

5700xt has poor performance as well as black/bluescreening

I built my computer 2 days ago, and up until today, it had black/bluescreening problems.

So, today, I decided to do some troubleshooting of my own, and once I tried to play a game, it had poor performance as well as the black/bluescreening (this troubleshooting did include a windows re-install).

I'm not sure what to do, but I can barely reach 60fps on overwatch and it is really unpleasant

I don't mind buying Nvidia if these problems continue.

7 Replies
Adept I

Hey man, I had the same issues as you and did tons of research. Many users of the 5700 xt are having the same problem and AMD has definitely not solved the problem. I sent my one back to the shop since I still had the warranty.

If you don't want to mess with future troubleshootings I recommend you change to Nvidia.


Here I am going to do the same, I got tired of waiting, 4 months having the gpu, always installing the latest drivers and that still have not solved it, I am waiting to sell mine, and make a difference to go to nvidia and buy me the 2070s .. Never again amd, I know it sounds extreme, but they definitely show that you don't care about the users, if not the only thing that you care about is their sales. I hope you did not get annoyed by my comment.


Don't worry man, I know how you feel. 

I really hope you can soon play yopur games in peace without problems!

Adept II

Set Graphics Profile to Standard. I was getting random game crashes and short black screens. The cause was Image Sharpening and/or Anti-lag. The Standard setting disables both and the issues went away.

Sapphire RX 5700 XT Nitro+


Yeah, after some testing it looks really that just using no AMD features could help a lot.

Thank you. 😃

But on the other side Im sadly forced to think about the fact that so many issues occur just because of using that features.

Radeon Chill also seems to be bugged for some people. I really dont know how I should think about that. =/

If there are known issues for some people. They should block them for usage or something instead of letting the people troubleshoot themself for weeks or month. ^^

Adept II

Hey amdmatt‌,

there are so many people out there getting issues with 5700 XT, reporting it in this forum (me inclueded) and the first guys already did an RMA to switch to the green team.

Is there any chance you guys do some "serious" and transparent feedback to the community?

You can't be serious about that bad kind of communication, isn't it?



Adept II

I have the same problem for 4 months, I didn't get any solution or help from AMD, I requested the RMA and I'm going to switch to the green team.

Link to my topic here on the forum: