Just installed the new drivers, with the older one, i had around 50-60w when one was at 144hz and one at 60z. Now i need both at 60hz again to get 50w (909mhz memory).
Please give us the option to limit the memoryclock for ourself, at least until its fixed.
Thanks for the reply. Had it from offical website, but yes, its not available in the driver selection. Downloaded it to see if i get rid of my Valheimn Vulkan crashes.
I newer get lower than 30W. But that would be fine for me. My Monitor has the newest firmware, the shipped one for this M32Q istr even newer than the on on their webside.
Yeah I've been having the high watt issue since I've had the 7900xtx and since I use my soundbar through my hdmi my idle sits around 70watt even when I set it up to not be a screen lol.