Sapphire Vega 64 Nitro+: I don't know why this card has 1200 RPM as a minimum fan speed. By default, semi-passive mode is enabled, but it can't stay in passive mode for a long time. So it's like a few minutes of silence, then a few seconds of 1200 RPM horrible vacuum cleaner sound. On previous driver versions I was able to decrease minimum fan speed to ~700 rpm. The new driver (with new wattman interface for fan tweaks) doesn't allow me to do that, I can't move any point lower than 28-30% - 1200 RPM. Is there any solution other than downgrading the driver?
Submitted for RX Vega 64 Liquid - no temp target control.
AMD Issue Reporting Form
Thanks. Its so anoying with high pump/fan value and i got 2 of them. It got so bad ive even uninstalled the driver.
So they now consider non-working zero rpm a known issue. But what about lower fan speed limit? I am the only one who thinks that the card switching between 0 and 1200 RPM at idle is kinda stupid? Why I can't decrease this limit in new driver versions? Why is this option taken away? amdmatt
Did you submit an AMD Reporting Form (not sure they are read for sure...) or more realistically an email support request Online Service Request | AMD ?
I have been testing 18.12.3 and still no way to set a max temp target for RX Vega 64 Liquid and no mention of it as a problem in the release notes.
Yes, I've reported it through that "AMD Issue Reporting Form" before creating this thread. Didn't know about the second one though, thank you.
Sapphire Pulse Vega 56 here and my fan control is completely broken since 18.12.2. Was perfect before that. After trying both x.2 and x.3 ive reverted back to 18.12.1 and i can finally use my afterburner fan profile again. With any of the other 2 latest drivers the fan would act hysterically and it wasnt possible to use either ZPM or get a lower RPM than round about 1250. Under load even only about 60° the fan would act as if the card was going to explode.
In the meantime we are in 2020 and that ''Lower Fan Speed Limit'' is still here in Adrenalin 20.1.3 thanks to AMD briliant team ideea, so i can go lower than 42 % speed fan on P1. So unistall 20.1.3 and go back to 18.5.1 version where i can go lower that 42 % on my fans card.