The screen flashes before the lock screen. It's a Corsair Xeneon 32QHD240. I am running 22.11.2 WHQL and have run DDU in safe mode and reinstalled drivers and it did not effect it.
nope .. not if that's the only time it happens ..
Just the usual though
Make sure your motherboard's BIOS is up to date
Make sure you are running separate power cables from your PSU to each power input on your GPU
Make sure you have the latest AM4 chipset drivers installed from
Make sure your RAM is actually running at it's rated speed and that your FCLK matches
I run the Gigabyte RX 6800 Gaming OC .. and ran Gigabyte's utility just to check for a vBIOS update and I was surprised that there was and update .. installed without a hitch and then I uninstalled the utility .. maybe something to check for your XT
IF you are running iCUE software just for your monitor .. uninstall it .. if FreeSYNC is on .. turn it off and see if your boot up flashing goes away (not that it's hurting anything though .. just a minor annoyance)
The only thing on this list I haven't done is check for a VBIOS update with the Gigabyte app. I use iCue for my fans and CPU cooler too, not just the monitor.
Most likely that is when refreshrate changes from default into which ever you have set it to. If you set internal refreshrate of some game to something else than what Windows uses, you might see the same thing.
It's almost like everything is removed from your startup screen picture except the sun.
Looks like you are holding a flashlight on the screen before startup.
My main TV in the living room has a blue line that runs down the entire far right on the screen during startup but once picture appears there is no sign of anything wrong with the picture. Been going on for couple years now.
I had flash on for the first few seconds. I turned it off before the issue happens.
Kinda hard to tell when your camera flash is on! 😛
Yeah. I didn't think to turn off flash until I had already started recording.
I would test it with another computer just to be sure. But the MADZyren made a point. Try putting the refresh rate at default and restart, if it doesn't do it then you found it. 😀
Mine during boot, before even giving me the RoG Splash logo has an underscore character in the middle of the screen. Never spent much time thinking about it. Only does with my computer and happened with both the RX480 and RX6800 so it must be board related.