I am getting bad performance UpTo 20 percent lower performance on Ryzen 2700x in cpu z,cinebench.My specs are Asus prime a320m-f,3200mhz 8gb ram,Ryzen 7 2700x.Someone told me that this motherboard is only good for 65 watts processors that's why my performance is bad.So should I return 2700x and get the 5600x as that has 65 watts tdp as oppose to 105 watts 2700x.Also the edp is at 99 percent in Ryzen master whatever that means.Thanks
Did you just build this computer from old parts? One problem I see right away is the small amount of RAM; Windows needs 16 GB of RAM to function well (assuming you use apps like Google and such). You could just be running out of RAM. Why don't you check the system resources that are being used (Task Manager should help with that) and see if your RAM is being used at a high percentage. You might be using storage for a memory swap file.
What it's your cooler and power supply?
I wouldn't pair a 2700X with an A320, its not in the cards. It works but as you noticed, you'll be leaving perfomance on the table.
What else could it be?
8Gb is already on the low side not mentioning if its single channel only.
4+2 phase power
no heatsinks
4pin 12V CPU
This is a barebones motherboard.