Hey Red Team!
I've started work on PC 1 of 2 for the BBCH 2024 Extra Life Fundraiser. While I still have some case art to complete, the hardware build is done. I've named this one Prometheus. Contest links will go up in a month or so one both PCs are complete.
3D Mark Results
Nice and clean!
Are you going to decorate the case with a few scenes from the movie? A laser-etched window with this might do the trick....
The discovery of a clue to mankind's origins on Earth leads a team of explorers to the darkest parts of the universe.
I'm not going that advanced.... this year. I've got some Extralife Specific Case and Pump Art coming for both builds. I'll share that once it arrives!
Can one laser etch tempered glass?
I think they only laser-etch plexiglass, but I'm no expert on that. I've had a few pieces of plexi laser-etched over the years, done by Hypercore. They are out of business now but I did a review of their windows.
Old tech cold cathode tubes did a good job illuminating laser-etched windows.
Starting to add some case art.