Dear developers
I am on 21.10.3.
I just want to say great job to whomever was responsible in improving performance for Crysis 3 and Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts (there has especially been major performance improvements for this game).
It seems it took for the Crysis games to be remastered before AMD/whom-ever dived into the CPU performance bug on Windows 10 after I first reported it in 2016/2017.
I used to get 18-22FPS in the following scene on my FX 8350 as can be seen here:

and I am now getting 29-34FPS in the same scene like it used to be on Windows 7. This seems small, but it makes a major difference overall in gameplay, since this was how it should've performed over the years past:

People with something like Ryzen 5 3600 should likely get close to 60FPS in this scene now instead of the 22FPS bug.
What I would like to ask, is if you can fix this for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 as well please, since that game is still affected by this bug and performs equally bad on my FX 8350 and Ryzen 5 1600 with low GPU utilization. Switching to my Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB results in a massive CPU uplift in that game; like the case with this image used to be; except the GTX 1060 3GB has a lot of performance issues with the Ryzen 5 1600 for some reason.
Furthermore, can you also please attend to the DirectX9 Unreal Engine 3 issue for games like Unreal Tournament 3, Heroes of Might and Magic, Singularity, etc., which I have been reporting for 4-5years since they have horrible performance since- and including 17.7.2 driver and the removal of "Radeon Additional Settings".
Kind regards