I am trying to enable multisampling with vkCmdSetRasterizationSamplesEXT but it seems that for some reason this fails. The rendering takes place normally but the final
images appear as if no multisampling was enabled. Multisampling works correctly if i use the traditional method with VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo and VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo. No validation errors are reported (they are enabled 🙂 ) VK_extended_dynamic_state3 is enabled in the device, extendedDynamicState3RasterizationSamples , extendedDynamicState3SampleMask, extendedDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable features are enable also during device creation. VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo has VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SAMPLE_MASK_EXT, VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RASTERIZATION_SAMPLES_EXT, VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ENABLE_EXT in .pDynamicStates and finally before rendering I call
vkCmdSetRasterizationSamplesEXT(cmd_buffer, sample_count);
const uint32_t sample_mask = 0xffffffff;
vkCmdSetSampleMaskEXT(cmd_buffer, sample_count, &sample_mask);
vkCmdSetAlphaToCoverageEnableEXT(cmd_buffer, VK_FALSE);
Dev environment is:
Windows 11
Visual Studio 2022
CPU: 5900XT
GPU: 6900XT (Driver 23.12.1)
Here is a link with RenderDoc captures (sorry for the size)
look at the top of the robot (it is much clearer in renderdoc captures)
Not Working (first image original size) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-PKA6y7Vf8o2joGsbFzlqIY7sV5BC_L1/view?usp=sharing
Working (second image original size) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ayneYrcbCZfjgecHsfQId45smEeOWGJ/view?usp=sharing
Not Working