Is there a version of OpenCL that works with the AMD Radeon R5 M335? My system is a Dell Inspiron 5759 running Windows 10 Home. My development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 but I can install whate er else is required.
Someone there should be able to answer your question.
I'd ask my question there but there doesn't seem to be any way to ask a question, only read what has already been posted.
I've moved your question to the OpenCL forums.
I was able to locate on the Opencl Forum where you can post any future questions.
It is on the Upper Right Corner under "Actions" then "Create" and then "Discussion" . Pops up a window to ask your question. Future reference.
Please try this driver: Mobile
There are three downloads on that page. How am I to know which is the correct one? Also, is there any FAQ or document that describes how to set up a dev environment? A driver is the first step, but it is certainly not all that is required. I'd rather not have to install/uninstall (rinse/repeat) until I finally end up with what I want.
Adrenalin 18.2.1 and 18.3.4 both the drivers support this card. Adrenalin 18.3.4 is the latest one.
After driver installation, please install AMD APP SDK which provides the headers and libraries required to develop OpenCL application on AMD platform.
If you face any issue to download the installers, please try this link:
Great. I'll grab those files and start in on it. Thanks very much for the help.
Still a few bumps in the road.
Windows 10 (Home) Dell Inspiron 5759
Visual Studio 2017 (Community Edition)
When I try to build from Conway.cpp, whether I select Win32 or x64 as the platform in project properties I get the following error.
LNK1112 module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86' afopencl.lib(afopencl.dll)
When I try to run the included benchmark blas_opencl.exe I just get
blas_opencl.exe - System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because afopencl.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
What, specifically, am I being asked to reinstall?
It seems more than a bit of a nuisance to have to
o Add "$(AF_PATH)/include;" to Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories.
o Add "$(AF_PATH)/lib;" to Project Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories.
o Add afopencl.lib to Project Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.
to every new project. Surely there is some way to add them in to Visual Studio so that they can be included in all new projects. Although I see you also state "You can alternately download the template project from ArrayFire Template Projects". What do I have to download and where am I supposed to put it/them?
After installing the driver and APPSDK, please try the below steps to ensure that the setup is ready for OpenCL development:
Please check this documents for more information.
I tried to rebuild KmeansAutoClustering from the samples folder. First
of all, I noticed that the settings:
C/C++ Additional include directories:
Linker additional library directives:
differed from the recommended setting on the website which were
Add "$(AF_PATH)/include;" to Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General ->
Additional Include Directories.
Add "$(AF_PATH)/lib;" to Project Properties -> Linker -> General ->
Additional Library Directories.
Add afcpu.lib or afcuda.lib or afopencl.lib to Project Properties ->
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies. based on your preferred backend.
Also, when I tried the rebuild I got 320 errors. Clearly somethijng is
Most execs of prebuild exe files run without error - here is one exception:
C:\Users\Jim\AMD APP SDK\3.0\samples\opencl\bin\x86_64>SimpleDepthImage.exe
Platform 0 : Intel(R) Corporation
Platform 1 : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Platform found : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Selected Platform Vendor : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Device 0 : Hainan Device ID is 0000025933F91C60
Expected Error: Unsupported device! Required CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION
2.0 or higher.
Here is the output from clinfo:
Number of platforms: 2
Platform Profile: FULL_PROFILE
Platform Version: OpenCL 2.0
Platform Name: Intel(R) OpenCL
Platform Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Platform Extensions: cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing
cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store
cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing
cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_icd
cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_spir
Platform Profile: FULL_PROFILE
Platform Version: OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP
Platform Name: AMD Accelerated
Parallel Processing
Platform Vendor: Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc.
Platform Extensions: cl_khr_icd
cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing
cl_amd_event_callback cl_amd_offline_devices
Platform Name: Intel(R) OpenCL
Number of devices: 2
Vendor ID: 8086h
Max compute units: 24
Max work items dimensions: 3
Max work items[0]: 256
Max work items[1]: 256
Max work items[2]: 256
Max work group size: 256
Preferred vector width char: 16
Preferred vector width short: 8
Preferred vector width int: 4
Preferred vector width long: 1
Preferred vector width float: 1
Preferred vector width double: 1
Native vector width char: 16
Native vector width short: 8
Native vector width int: 4
Native vector width long: 1
Native vector width float: 1
Native vector width double: 1
Max clock frequency: 1050Mhz
Address bits: 64
Max memory allocation: 2147483647
Image support: Yes
Max number of images read arguments: 128
Max number of images write arguments: 128
Max image 2D width: 16384
Max image 2D height: 16384
Max image 3D width: 16384
Max image 3D height: 16384
Max image 3D depth: 2048
Max samplers within kernel: 16
Max size of kernel argument: 1024
Alignment (bits) of base address: 1024
Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype: 128
Single precision floating point capability
Denorms: Yes
Quiet NaNs: Yes
Round to nearest even: Yes
Round to zero: Yes
Round to +ve and infinity: Yes
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add: Yes
Cache type: Read/Write
Cache line size: 64
Cache size: 524288
Global memory size: 6818185216
Constant buffer size: 2147483647
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 65536
Max pipe arguments: 16
Max pipe active reservations: 1
Max pipe packet size: 1024
Max global variable size: 65536
Max global variable preferred total size: 2147483647
Max read/write image args: 128
Max on device events: 1024
Queue on device max size: 67108864
Max on device queues: 1
Queue on device preferred size: 131072
SVM capabilities:
Coarse grain buffer: Yes
Fine grain buffer: Yes
Fine grain system: No
Atomics: Yes
Preferred platform atomic alignment: 64
Preferred global atomic alignment: 64
Preferred local atomic alignment: 64
Kernel Preferred work group size multiple: 32
Error correction support: 0
Unified memory for Host and Device: 1
Profiling timer resolution: 83
Device endianess: Little
Available: Yes
Compiler available: Yes
Execution capabilities:
Execute OpenCL kernels: Yes
Execute native function: No
Queue on Host properties:
Out-of-Order: Yes
Profiling : Yes
Queue on Device properties:
Out-of-Order: Yes
Profiling : Yes
Platform ID: 000001B935E3D720
Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 2.0
Driver version:
Version: OpenCL 2.0
Extensions: cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation
cl_intel_d3d11_nv12_media_sharing cl_intel_driver_diagnostics
cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_intel_motion_estimation
cl_intel_packed_yuv cl_intel_required_subgroup_size
cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing cl_intel_subgroups cl_khr_3d_image_writes
cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing
cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_fp64
cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing
cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics
cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_icd cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer
cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics
cl_khr_mipmap_image cl_khr_mipmap_image_writes cl_khr_spir cl_khr_subgroups
Vendor ID: 8086h
Max compute units: 4
Max work items dimensions: 3
Max work items[0]: 8192
Max work items[1]: 8192
Max work items[2]: 8192
Max work group size: 8192
Preferred vector width char: 1
Preferred vector width short: 1
Preferred vector width int: 1
Preferred vector width long: 1
Preferred vector width float: 1
Preferred vector width double: 1
Native vector width char: 32
Native vector width short: 16
Native vector width int: 8
Native vector width long: 4
Native vector width float: 8
Native vector width double: 4
Max clock frequency: 2500Mhz
Address bits: 64
Max memory allocation: 4266608640
Image support: Yes
Max number of images read arguments: 480
Max number of images write arguments: 480
Max image 2D width: 16384
Max image 2D height: 16384
Max image 3D width: 2048
Max image 3D height: 2048
Max image 3D depth: 2048
Max samplers within kernel: 480
Max size of kernel argument: 3840
Alignment (bits) of base address: 1024
Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype: 128
Single precision floating point capability
Denorms: Yes
Quiet NaNs: Yes
Round to nearest even: Yes
Round to zero: No
Round to +ve and infinity: No
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add: No
Cache type: Read/Write
Cache line size: 64
Cache size: 262144
Global memory size: 17066434560
Constant buffer size: 131072
Max number of constant args: 480
Local memory type: Global
Local memory size: 32768
Max pipe arguments: 16
Max pipe active reservations: 65535
Max pipe packet size: 1024
Max global variable size: 65536
Max global variable preferred total size: 65536
Max read/write image args: 480
Max on device events: 4294967295
Queue on device max size: 4294967295
Max on device queues: 4294967295
Queue on device preferred size: 4294967295
SVM capabilities:
Coarse grain buffer: Yes
Fine grain buffer: Yes
Fine grain system: No
Atomics: Yes
Preferred platform atomic alignment: 64
Preferred global atomic alignment: 64
Preferred local atomic alignment: 0
Kernel Preferred work group size multiple: 128
Error correction support: 0
Unified memory for Host and Device: 1
Profiling timer resolution: 395
Device endianess: Little
Available: Yes
Compiler available: Yes
Execution capabilities:
Execute OpenCL kernels: Yes
Execute native function: Yes
Queue on Host properties:
Out-of-Order: Yes
Profiling : Yes
Queue on Device properties:
Out-of-Order: Yes
Profiling : Yes
Platform ID: 000001B935E3D720
Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 2.0
Driver version:
Version: OpenCL 2.0 (Build 2)
Extensions: cl_khr_icd
cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics
cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics
cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_3d_image_writes
cl_intel_exec_by_local_thread cl_khr_spir cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing
cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_gl_sharing
cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer
Platform Name: AMD Accelerated
Parallel Processing
Number of devices: 2
Vendor ID: 1002h
Board name: AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M335
Device Topology: PCI[ B#1, D#0, F#0 ]
Max compute units: 5
Max work items dimensions: 3
Max work items[0]: 1024
Max work items[1]: 1024
Max work items[2]: 1024
Max work group size: 256
Preferred vector width char: 4
Preferred vector width short: 2
Preferred vector width int: 1
Preferred vector width long: 1
Preferred vector width float: 1
Preferred vector width double: 1
Native vector width char: 4
Native vector width short: 2
Native vector width int: 1
Native vector width long: 1
Native vector width float: 1
Native vector width double: 1
Max clock frequency: 1070Mhz
Address bits: 32
Max memory allocation: 3221225472
Image support: Yes
Max number of images read arguments: 128
Max number of images write arguments: 8
Max image 2D width: 16384
Max image 2D height: 16384
Max image 3D width: 2048
Max image 3D height: 2048
Max image 3D depth: 2048
Max samplers within kernel: 16
Max size of kernel argument: 1024
Alignment (bits) of base address: 2048
Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype: 128
Single precision floating point capability
Denorms: No
Quiet NaNs: Yes
Round to nearest even: Yes
Round to zero: Yes
Round to +ve and infinity: Yes
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add: Yes
Cache type: Read/Write
Cache line size: 64
Cache size: 16384
Global memory size: 3221225472
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 32768
Max pipe arguments: 0
Max pipe active reservations: 0
Max pipe packet size: 0
Max global variable size: 0
Max global variable preferred total size: 0
Max read/write image args: 0
Max on device events: 0
Queue on device max size: 0
Max on device queues: 0
Queue on device preferred size: 0
SVM capabilities:
Coarse grain buffer: No
Fine grain buffer: No
Fine grain system: No
Atomics: No
Preferred platform atomic alignment: 0
Preferred global atomic alignment: 0
Preferred local atomic alignment: 0
Kernel Preferred work group size multiple: 64
Error correction support: 0
Unified memory for Host and Device: 0
Profiling timer resolution: 1
Device endianess: Little
Available: Yes
Compiler available: Yes
Execution capabilities:
Execute OpenCL kernels: Yes
Execute native function: No
Queue on Host properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Profiling : Yes
Queue on Device properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Profiling : No
Platform ID: 00007FFDB8084AB0
Name: Hainan
Vendor: Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc.
Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver version: 2527.10
Version: OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP
Extensions: cl_khr_fp64
cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics
cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes
cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_sharing
cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops
cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing
cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer
cl_khr_spir cl_khr_gl_event cl_amd_liquid_flash
Vendor ID: 1002h
Board name:
Max compute units: 4
Max work items dimensions: 3
Max work items[0]: 1024
Max work items[1]: 1024
Max work items[2]: 1024
Max work group size: 1024
Preferred vector width char: 16
Preferred vector width short: 8
Preferred vector width int: 4
Preferred vector width long: 2
Preferred vector width float: 8
Preferred vector width double: 4
Native vector width char: 16
Native vector width short: 8
Native vector width int: 4
Native vector width long: 2
Native vector width float: 8
Native vector width double: 4
Max clock frequency: 2592Mhz
Address bits: 64
Max memory allocation: 4266608640
Image support: Yes
Max number of images read arguments: 128
Max number of images write arguments: 64
Max image 2D width: 8192
Max image 2D height: 8192
Max image 3D width: 2048
Max image 3D height: 2048
Max image 3D depth: 2048
Max samplers within kernel: 16
Max size of kernel argument: 4096
Alignment (bits) of base address: 1024
Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype: 128
Single precision floating point capability
Denorms: Yes
Quiet NaNs: Yes
Round to nearest even: Yes
Round to zero: Yes
Round to +ve and infinity: Yes
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add: Yes
Cache type: Read/Write
Cache line size: 64
Cache size: 32768
Global memory size: 17066434560
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Global
Local memory size: 32768
Max pipe arguments: 16
Max pipe active reservations: 16
Max pipe packet size: 4266608640
Max global variable size: 1879048192
Max global variable preferred total size: 1879048192
Max read/write image args: 64
Max on device events: 0
Queue on device max size: 0
Max on device queues: 0
Queue on device preferred size: 0
SVM capabilities:
Coarse grain buffer: No
Fine grain buffer: No
Fine grain system: No
Atomics: No
Preferred platform atomic alignment: 0
Preferred global atomic alignment: 0
Preferred local atomic alignment: 0
Kernel Preferred work group size multiple: 1
Error correction support: 0
Unified memory for Host and Device: 1
Profiling timer resolution: 395
Device endianess: Little
Available: Yes
Compiler available: Yes
Execution capabilities:
Execute OpenCL kernels: Yes
Execute native function: Yes
Queue on Host properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Profiling : Yes
Queue on Device properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Profiling : No
Platform ID: 00007FFDB8084AB0
Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
Vendor: GenuineIntel
Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver version: 2527.10 (sse2,avx)
Version: OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP
Extensions: cl_khr_fp64
cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics
cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics
cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes
cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_ext_device_fission
cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops
cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_spir
that was top of the list states
The AMDAPPSDKROOT variable must be set to:
C:\Program Files\AMD APP SDK\ (for 32-bit systems)
C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\ (for 64-bit systems)
This seems to be backwards. Surely it should be
C:\Program Files\AMD APP SDK\ (for 64-bit systems)
C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\ (for 32-bit systems)
The AMDAPPSDKROOT variable must be set to:...This seems to be backwards. Surely it should be...
AMDAPPSDKROOT environmental variable points to the location where CPU runtime and other developer components are placed. On Windows 64bit OS, by default, the location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\ . So, the setting mentioned in the installation guide seems correct to me.
differed from the recommended setting on the website which were...
I guess, you are comparing APPSDK project setting with ArrayFire. These two are different projects and their dependencies (headers and libraries) are different. Each setting is valid for its own project.
Most execs of prebuild exe files run without error - here is one exception:
The error reported by SimpleDepthImage sample is expected one. OpenCL 2.0 samples won't work on that gpu device as it does not support OpenCL 2.0.
when I tried the rebuild I got 320 errors. Clearly somethijng is amiss.
Normally you get so many errors when there is something wrong in the project setting. That's what I'm suspecting too.
Btw, did you get this error against APPSDK sample or arrayfire sample? If for APPSDK sample, please share the build errors.
On Windows 64 bit systems, 64 bit apps are installed, be default, in
C:\Program Files. Older, 32 bit apps are installed in C:\Program Files
(x86) so the settings in the documentation, if not a typo, are grossly
misleading (see here
The large number of errors are when I try to build the AMD SDK sample in
OpenCL1.xSamplesVS10.sln - KmeansAutoClustering. I can't copy/paste the
errors because, unlike some earlier versions of Visual Studio, each
error must be copied/pasted individually. However, I have attached a few
screencaps showing some of the errors.
The reason I am doing this in the first place is because my older son
has just started a research position in Cambridge (computational
biophysics) and will be setting up a GPU computer system. His will be
using CUDA, but after reading about CUDA and ArrayFire I concluded that
the benefit of the abstraction provided by ArrayFire would greatly ease
his programming. It would also (in theory) allow him to write code that
would be more easily ported to AMD/Radeon systems. I'm starting to
wonder if the difficulty in getting an ArrayFire development system set
up is worth the ease in programming with it.
On Windows 64 bit systems, 64 bit apps are installed, be default, in C:\Program Files. Older, 32 bit apps are installed in C:\Program Files(x86) so the settings in the documentation, if not a typo, are grossly misleading..
I understand what you are trying to point. However, I think there is some confusion in this regard. Just to clarify my earlier statements. On Windows 64bit OS, C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\<VERSION> is the location where the installer places the CPU runtime and other developer components. By default, AMDAPPSDKROOT environmental variable points to this base directory.
Inside that base directory, two versions of libraries and executables can be found under two different sub-folders namely "x86" and "x86_64" for 32-bit and 64-bit applications respectively. Based on the target build, an OpenCL application should set the link path accordingly. For example, for 64bit application, "OpenCL.lib" should be linked against the path "$(AMDAPPSDKROOT)\lib\x86_64" [assuming AMDAPPSDKROOT variable is set to APPSDK base directory i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\<VERSION>].
I have attached a few screencaps showing some of the errors.
From the attached snapshots, it looks like a project setting issue because the program was unable to include the required header files (APPSDK and OpenCL).
I decided to forego testing AMD SDK examples and just try
loading/building an arrayfire example (conway_pretty_vs_2013. This one
worked so I'll play around with things for a while.
Clearly I am missing something. The getting started guide says
The ArrayFire API is wrapped into a unified C/C++ header. To use the
library simply include the arrayfire.h header file and start coding!
But even that doesn't work. Just typing #include <arrayfire.h> fails
(not found). I started a new windows c++ console project. I made sure
the properties entries matched those in the conway pretty project. When
the IDE failed to find arrayfire.h I checked the corresponding External
Dependencies. The conway project had all the arrayfire header files. The
new project did not. I'll assume I am missing a step but I have no idea
what it is.
By now you are sick of hearing from me.
I'm having a really bad day. I noticed my new project was set to x86.
When I switched to x64 arrayfire.h was then recognized. Please ignore
the previous rants.
LoL, I have no idea what you are doing, but that last post pretty well describes must Users when they get frustrated.
I got hung on a problem with Visual Studio 2017. I set up the basic
environment with default code and the proper includes/libs etc/, then
exported the template. However, creating a new project based on the
template just results in
when I try to open the default code of
// ArrayFire1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.*
**// 2018-04-24 15:41 **
*#include <arrayfire.h>*
*#include <iostream>*
*#include <cstdio>*
*using namespace af;*
*int main()*
** return 0;**
After googling that error I found many other users with the same
problem. Microsoft's response to date has been pretty much "Your call is
important to us. Please stay on the line...". More accurately it would
be "We are prioritizing the issues and looking into them".
So I zipped the prototype project so I could recover it and decided to
use it to copy in the benchmarks/blas.cpp code from the arrayfire
website <>
Copyright (c) 2014, ArrayFire
All rights reserved.
This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
The complete license agreement can be obtained at:
#include peak)
peak = gflops;
printf(" %4.0f Gflops\n", gflops);
catch (af::exception& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what());
printf(" ### peak %g GFLOPS\n", peak);
return 0;
Building that gives me
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1010 unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled
header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?
ArrayFire1 d:\my\documents\visual studio
2017\projects\arrayfire1\arrayfire1\arrayfire1.cpp 50
and when I add in the missing
#include "stdafx.h"
and rebuild I get
Arrayfire has its own place to report/discuss the issues. For Arrayfire related issue, I would suggest you to check their support community for better and quicker response.
Btw, MS says this about Error C1010: Fatal Error C1010 | Microsoft Docs
Thank you very much for your incredible patience and help in getting my
environment set up. I now have a prototype app with all of the custom
stuff defined. I can copy in the sample ArrayFire code and compile/run.
The last hurdle will be to take the prototype and create a template.
That is certainly not a problem that would concern you. That will
require some more research/reading on my part as I familiarize myself
with Visual Studio 2017 (Microsoft loves to keep changing where things
are and how to do things). Once I have everything documented I plan to
post the entire process from download to config on Daniweb
<> so that others there can hopefully benefit
from what I have learned.
Thanks again,
Jim de Graff