I ask this question to build on my last one of what tech-related superpower you'd want. Some good answers there. I just really wonder what things will look like in 20 years when this stuff most likely becomes reality.
I feel like the biggest risk is the general public just rejecting the idea, and possibly treating the people who wish to get these body modifications poorly. That, and the harvesting of data by companies with the intention of selling it. If this were adopted by the masses, privacy would no longer exist.
Oh jeez, I'm afraid that sometimes I see a dark future ahead.
But its not technology the bad actor here, it was always we, humans.
We will end merging with the machine, someway or another to keep ourselves competitive.
I see Cyberpunk, I see Deus EX, I see the AI being so appealing that we will rely on it like we rely on many other things today. A computer for our work, the smartphone, the wheel, even fire. Yeah, that thing that allowed us to cook, heat and scare other large animals.
Some people are already relying on AI to write mails, coding, scripting.. I even saw a reply here on the forum with a pasted image from CHATGPT. What if you could access all this answers in your Brain at any given moment?
The Opportunities
As a species, we can't stay the same forever, we need more to do more. And I believe this can create more equality, people who suffered major accidents can walk again, give eyesight to a blindman, cure future diseases and do more work without damaging our body in the process.
Example: I was always IT but I had a brief career change to logistics. Mostly system management, inventory and safety but when helping fellow coworkers with replenishment, that can leave lots of damage on your body long term.
Many will lose control easily like an addiction, every aspect of life/work will be around this. I see people wanting mods just to be on the bleeding edge like a competition while others will oppose and this can lead to a fractured society like @cpurpe91 said:
@cpurpe91 wrote:general public just rejecting the idea, and possibly treating the people who wish to get these body modifications poorly
I do see lots of content creators using AI, but I refuse to do so, don't care about slow growth and though work, luckily I'm not in Youtube for the money, at least yet.
At work, like I said. I'm starting to see e-mails being written by AI and then modd'ed a bit or two just to look theirs, just like copying the smart kid homework. Luckily for me, AI can't cope with whining users and moving printers around yet 😁 So I think I'm safe. 🤣
You make some good points, as a species we need to innovate and progress, but with the way society is now, I'm kind of scared as to what would happen when the masses have it.
I'm scared as a father, my kid will grow in this new ERA.
But this is how life works, my dad barely knows how to use a computer and avoids any smooth talking guy because of scams and phishing. My grandad thinks that the roomba is some kind of robot uprisal.
In 20 years probably my son will think that I'm a poor tech illiterate that still uses hands instead of His mind to write posts on a forum.
I watched this video last night and I am fascinated by how we are able to do this and what we'll create in 10-20 years.
That is pretty brilliant..