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Off Topic Discussions

Adept II

Trying to contact a moderator


This is for a moderator. I had one of my recent topics flagged incorrectly as spam and removed a few days ago and I have not been able to restore it. I also don't seem to have access to the private messenger function to send a moderator a message. How do you enable this messenger function ? Also, is it possible to restore my topic and remove the spam flag ? Thank you for the help !

7 Replies
Volunteer Moderator

We should be able to remove the spam flag if the discussion topic hasn't yet been deleted.  Can you give us the discussion topic name?

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

Hi Big Al,

Thanks for replying. The topic name is "RX Vega 64 Restoration".

Any ideas on enabling the private messenger function ?

Thanks again !

I believe I took your topic out of the spam folder.  We should see it pop back in soon.

I'm not sure if your private message functionality can be disabled.  Have you been using it in the past and now you cannot?  Do you see the little envelope at the top right corner of the banner, next to your profile picture?

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

Hi Al,

I thought I remember using it before but it has been a couple of months. All I see on the top right of the page is my profile icon and a notification bell. 

We'll need to get someone with more knowledge or access to help with your private message problem.  @Wally_AMD might be able to help if he is going to work tomorrow.  I believe you should be seeing that small envelope.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

Hi Al,

Thanks for the info. I'll poke around my profile settings incase something was inadvertently turned off. Is there a way to reach Wally without the use of the messenger function ?

I don't think so, except for a direct email link that I probably should not share at this point.  Give him a few days to respond.  He was handling the 12 days of Christmas sweeps event.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".