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rays and particles thinking, augmented reality surface spray coater even/level AI controlled?

could AMD use their xray based graphics cards and imaging and freesync stuff to develop an time of flight camera controlled AR AI spray coating system for say epoxy flooring or walls and other surfaces its camera feed shows up on a display or goggles or something beginners just load say drywall powder and water mix in and it maybe keeps a thing turning/stirring mixing for cements or epoxies or whatever spray coating and paints you wanna use and connect pressurized air hose to a fixed pressure or whatever.. and then you move your hand to the area thats lit up as its uneven or not completed yet and the camera shows higlights of uneven or not level flat areas and controls the spray you hold the trigger down wave it around and it sprays when and where needed and calculates speed and angle and rapid micro adjusts nozzles and stuff? 

why is this not a thing that exists? if my house walls plaster drywall stuff looks centuries old and cracking and worn and would need respackling or refinishing or a resanding/sandblasting or something why isnt there a something that controls the spray so it will only ever be even and correct? heaps of DIY stuff looks super awful and not level. the thought of spatula trowel that stuff on for hours and it costing heaps in time and labour. when it might be sprayable somehow and still perfectly even and level?? could we make this SMART tech a reality? like the homing smart tech bullets in cyberpunk2077 but for paints and cements and plasters and sanding coating/sealing/staining. ideally self cleaning too auto maintenance. like after each use pour this press this.

actually why isnt all construction project management 3d glasses AR tracked for each asset, put it here exactly here! so they can see if its upright or not and in position. and each asset could be prepurchased and placed and assembled according to the plans from the architect with videos how to install each part.

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