Christmas is fast approaching and I'm just wondering how the community spends their holiday? Are you the type of person who likes a holiday in the sun? Quality time with family? Or, are you the type of person who just wants some peace and quiet to catch up on gaming on your favourite AMD PC? As for me, I like a nice balance of family time, good food and me time to game! Happy Holidays and gaming everyone
I typically stay in and just enjoy time with my family. Maybe I will game a few hours, but I am not as "hardcore" when it comes to gaming as I once was. I'm okay with going out, but it's bitter cold outside already and I don't see it warming up any time soon. Lol
Xmas Eve with the family. OT Double-bubble on Xmas Day and Boxing Day and try not to fall asleep since it's generally dead at work.
It's family time but I will certainly come here to wish a merry Christmas to the AMD community, specially some guys that I can call friends.
We will cook a meal and bring it over to our son's house to celebrate Christmas with our grandkids. We did a similar thing at Thanksgiving, with my wife cooking the turkey and I cut it up.
Looks good enough to eat.....