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Adept III

Gaming Club update

What a roller coaster of the semester! Since we are still waiting on one more officer (I swear pulling teeth would be easier at this point), we are unable to do any large events. This also means our holiday party will have to be canceled. 😞

But do not worry about this setback! We will still have our game night! And we are orange-lit on our LAN Party! It may not be a super large party like I want, but as soon as one more person signs up as an officer, we will start to have in-person events, and I will be able to rent the entire cafe and performance room.  

Our last party went well from what I heard, I wasn't there, and I haven't seen pictures yet, but I was told it was a fun event, the owners gave everyone a free coffee, and they had fun watching worlds. 

On a personal note, now that this semester is over, I only have six months left of school before I get my marketing degree. That means this January I'll be actively applying for career opportunities to start this summer. I'm super excited to be done with school, and I hope to find something in the gaming/tech world. I have a weird ability, after working in the silicone industry, to be able to explain advanced concepts in a way the average person would understand. 

4 Replies

Thanks for the update, and awesome that you are not letting that little setback affect you!

**Canadian Gamer & Father -** - Live Wed & Fri at 8:00pm PST - Come join!

If AMD stopped every time, they had a setback, they would have gone bankrupt by now. My goals are not small and a successful year for me is that it becomes sustainable. Once we have our officers, as long as they aren't graduating soon, I can rest assured that I left the club sustainably. Oh, and we officially have an esports team. So things aren't all bad 😛

Community Manager

Sorry to hear about the setback, but sounds like y'all are making the most of it! 

That's super exciting that you get your degree in 6 months! 🙂 What's your dream company to work at?

Your friend at AMD
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Adept III

We definitely are! I really enjoy doing things like this. I've always had to do things on a shoestring budget, so I'm used to being resourceful.

I had a 7-paragraph response to your question, but I'll do the marketing me and just say the short answer is any company that not only cares about their employees but empowers them to become something more. My future job is marketing, going to trade shows, and creating out-of-home experiences that are enriching for both the company and customers whether that be business-to-business or business-to-consumer. 

And a company that won't make me move to Texas ;). All the best marketing agencies are here, why wouldn't you want a field office here?