Hi, i have a problem with my new RX 6700 xt gigabyte eagle. I just instaled the latest drivers 21.3.1. When i instaled drivers was something wrong with core clock. Max frequency was 500 mhz on auto settings. Performance was terrible. I decide to go in tuning options. I set min core frequency at 500mhz max core frequency at 2500mhz. I did set voltage at 1,1mv. I tried test and amd driver get crashed. I did lower max core frequency it was stable by short time. I wanted increase voltage to 1,15mv but i saw to i can't get higher than 1018mv. Now i can't set more votlage than 1018mv. Please somebody can help? Maybe i shall install other drivers version?
Anybody can help me?
I have exactly thé sale problem with thé sale card i had to set clicks manualy did u Found a solution of should i rma ?
I have exactly thé same problem with thé same card i had to set clocks manualy did u Found a solution of should i rma ?
Yes i found solution. I flash new gpu bios from official gigabyte site. Bios version F2. It fixed troubles with voltage and clocks. But now i have problems with huge lags depends of junction temp imo. Give me a Reply if you will have also lags/shuttering in games. For example AC Odyssey - this game is unpleayble by FPS drops.
hello , i had the same problem .. after the bios update it fixed but i have an other problem !
GPU power consumption is maximum 180watt .It should be 230 watt.
do you have the same problem?
You have right. My power consumption in full load 1,2mv is close 180W. Maybe that bring huge FPS drops randomly.
en mi caso, me sucede lo mismo pero tengo una saphire pulse 6700xt, alguien conoce alguna solucion
Yeah my power consumption is also close 180W 😞 Still have drops. I also saw FPS drops in League of Legends.... I think to that can be also depends of thermal throtting. Bios react too fast and downclocking gpu core.