Secondary heads up, when I follow these steps:
1 - Open Device Manager. Right click in the Start Menu Button (The windows logo in the bottom left of the screen, YES you can right click it in Windows 10), and select Device manager.
2 - Find the Graphics Drivers
3 - Right click in the Graphic Driver (If your laptop has an integrated card you have to right click that one) and select Update driver
4 - Select the bottom option, for Search drivers in your PC
5 - Select the bottom option again, for Search from a list
6 - Select a different version from the one you already have. If you have an integrated card, you need to select the older versions.
7 - Click Next, wait for it to update the drivers, the screen will flicker for a while."
And then swap to my card it works! However the problem will immediately come back upon restarting my PC. Hopefully that helps? Eh? Please?